☕ 1 : SYJ ☕

414 18 6

::아름다운 ::

It was another boring day at work for Juyeon, but he didn't show it as he have to serve customers with a smile. Even though he had no problems with his current job, it wasn't as fulfilling as he thought it would be.

Looking up the register, he immediately put up a welcoming smile as he sensed someone coming in.

"Welcome to TBZ-" Juyeon was about to greet until he realized it was one of his coworkers, Chanhee who walked up to him. He was the one who had helped him when Juyeon first started his day here at the cafe, and they became bestfriends ever since.

"Oh it's you. What's up?" Juyeon had a change of attitude as he became more comfortable and informal.

"Yah, what do you mean by Oh it's you? Aren't you glad seeing me?" Chanhee asked as he smacked Juyeon's arm playfully, earning a chuckle from the older.

"Anyways, I heard that we will have another one who's joining us here at work. Have you heard of it?" Chanhee asked as Juyeon shaked his head, not showing even a bit of interest as he genuinely didn't know.

"I also heard that he's very young, atleast the youngest out of all of us." Chanhee added, which Juyeon only responded with a hum as he was still looking uninterested.

"And you'll be the one who's showing him around by the way, to get the newbie accustomed with what happens here in the cafe." Juyeon's eyes widened as he heard Chanhee's words.

"Can't you do it?" Juyeon asked, showing disinterest as Chanhee just laughed at him as he shaked his head no.

"Silly I won't be here tomorrow. I'll be taking a leave for the day since Younghoon just asked me out." Chanhee smiled as he thought about his boyfriend Younghoon.

"Wait you got allowed to take a leave? And you didn't tell me?" Juyeon was in disbelief, which made Chanhee chuckle as Juyeon's reaction was funny.

"Why would I tell you? Since when did you get interested by me taking a leave?" Chanhee cocked a brow as he asked Juyeon, who was pouting.

"And I thought we we're bestfriends." Juyeon rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms up his chest, which made Chanhee smack his arm once more.

"Don't be so dramatic I'll be only gone for a day! Besides, the newbie might be a good company for you tomorrow~ I heard they were cute and shit." Chanhee chuckled as he smirked, but Juyeon still showed no interest.

"Whatever." Juyeon dismissed as Chanhee attended to customers. Today was very calm as there weren't that much of customers. It gave them alot of time to interact with eachother about anything.

"Juyeon, come with me at my office for a bit." The cafe manager, Jacob called Juyeon as the younger immediately followed.

"Why'd you call me suddenly hyung?" Juyeon was comfortable around Jacob, since he wasn't very strict as he was pretty friendly to everyone, which was why Juyeon referred to him as hyung.

"Well I'm guessing you already know that we will be having another employee here to work with you guys?" Jacob asked as Juyeon nodded.

"So what I called you here for is to inform you that you'll be the one who's showing the little guy around and also teach him on how everything works here. Since he will be another barista like you, I want you to also watch over him until he can go on his own." Jacob informed Juyeon who was listening intently.

"Oh, and his name is Sohn Youngjae by the way, but he prefers to be referred as Eric, since he grew up with that name when he was staying in LA. He is the youngest out of our team, he's 19." Jacob added which Juyeon mentally noted it.

"He will arrive here by 10am, which is an hour when you're already here. I hope the both of you will cooperate well." Jacob said which Juyeon immediately nodded his head.

"Yes hyung, I'll take good care of him." Juyeon responded which made Jacob smile.

"Good, you can go back now." Jacob dismissed as Juyeon stood up from his seat, bowing to Jacob first before he left.

Juyeon let out a heavy sigh. He wasn't really looking forward to it but he was also feeling excited? He wasn't so sure as he go back to the register.

"Goodluck for tomorrow- why do you already look drained?" His other coworker, Changmin asked as he laughed when he looked at Juyeon's expression.

"Aren't you excited to welcome the newbie?" He asked again to which Juyeon just shrugged.

"I'm not really looking forward to it, but mainly because I will be the one who's going to guide him around and stuff." Juyeon responded, half-lying since he was also excited.

"Don't worry! I'll be here to help you out." Changmin reassured Juyeon who smiled slightly, thanking him.

"I actually met the guy earlier, and he was sooooo cute. I bet you'll like him." Changmin smirked slightly as Juyeon raised a brow, still looking uninterested.

"What makes you say that?" Juyeon asked, to which Changmin just shrugged.

"I don't know, I just sensed that you will." Changmin responded.

Juyeon was now quite intrigued about this Eric guy. It lingered on his mind as he continue on his shift.

[ • × • ]


I just noticed that they fucked up with the audios skdnsksk it's says it's I'll be there even though it plays Around You this Hyunjin slander is unacceptable wksksks

🍰 | TBC

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