⭐ 6 : First Impressions ⭐

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Eric had mixed feelings. Nervous? Yes. Excited? You bet he is. Already in his uniform, he smiled as he thought it fits him. He looked cute. He didn't know where the self confidence is going but he sure did like the feeling of it.

"Woah, I almost forgot you're starting today. Are you going now? Should I drive you there?" Hyunjae offered his little brother, who just shook his head no with a smile.

"Thanks hyung but nah, I'll go by myself." Eric simply amswered before Hyunjae just nodded and let his brother be.

Looking at his phone for awhile, he checked his messages to see that Changmin has sent him one. Smiling, he opened the message.

Active an hour ago...

Can't wait to see you soon 💖

Eric smiled slightly, his excitement growing as he sent a heart back to the older. Looking at the time, he should be going now to get started early. He wasn't only nervous about that he'll start but because of one person.

"Lee Juyeon..." Eric muttered out as if he knew the person. He was also excited to see him but is more nervous in actuality. Getting the information that the latter was said to be cold, he feared that the older will go hard on him.

Shaking his head, he grabbed his necessities as he walked out his room, not forgetting to bid farewell to his older brother before stepping out the front door and walk towards the cafe.

He had a blank face as he walked despite the fact that he was feeling mixed emotions. He was feeling giddy, a bit scared, and hoping that nothing ruins his day today. But even all of that, he still thought optimistic.

"You can do this Eric!" Eric silently cheered for himself.

Minutes later, he has arrived. Remembering that he should enter from the back since he was a staff, he opened the backdoor that led him to the staff room.

Since there weren't many customers that time, almost all of the others were there chilling before the cafe gets busy again.

"Eric!?" Hearing a high pitched voice that slightly made him flinch back, he turned to see Changmin smiling widely, making him smile back as well before the two got in a small, short hug.

"You arrived pretty early." Changmin told the younger as they both looked at the clock.

9:55 a.m

"Silly hyung, I'm only 5 minutes early." Eric chuckled as the others got excited seeing Eric as well.

"Oh my, Eric! It's nice to finally meet you dude!" A tall and slim man approached him as they both exchanged handshakes. The man was quite stunning, like the moon.

"Nice to meet you too Kevin-hyung!" Eric greeted after taking a look at the latter's name tag, not forgetting to be formal as to make a good first impression.

"Hey cutie! Changmin told us you're cute but we didn't expect you to be this cute~." Yena pinched Eric's cheek, making the younger chuckle in pain before Changmin swatted Yena's hand away.

"Stop, you're hurting him." Changmin said in slight annoyance to which Yena rolled her eyes to.

"It wasn't even a hard pinch." Yena defended before the both of them giggled.

Overall, Eric was already feeling comfortable around them especially Changmin, who treated him very good as if they were bestfriends before.

"Oh and about Chaewon and Felix, you'll meet them later! They're out there serving few customers..." Yena informed to which Eric nodded.

"...and you'll meet Juyeon now, he's behind the counter to teach and get you familiarized with stuff here. Don't worry, if you need extra help, we'll be here!" Yena added, Eric thanking his noona.

Jacob and an unfamiliar man entered the staff room which made everyone's head turn. Everyone bowed as theh smiled at their manager-slash-hyung. Kevin was slightly malfunctioning.

"Oh Eric! It's great that you're already here." Jacob said, smiling at Eric to which the younger smiled back, nodding as Jacob continued to speak.

"You'll be starting now so I'll introduce you to Juyeon, the one that will be guidung you today, please be good to each other~." Jacob simply said before leaving the staff room, you could hear Kevin let out a deep breath that he was holding in for god knows what.

"H-Hello hyung! I'm Eric, please treat me well!" Fuck, I stuttered like why the fuck did I do thatshsjsjsnsj- Eric wanted to bury himself as he just embarassed himself infront of his colleague in just seconds.

He heard the man slightly chuckle, making him look up to see Juyeon smiling slightly, his eye smile barely showing.

"I'm Juyeon." The latter simply introduced, offering his hand to the younger to which the latter gladly took, shaking their hands longer than usual before pulling away.

Eric was faintly blushing. He knew he was into guys but damn, Juyeon was very attractive. Stop it! You don't even know if he swings that way...

Eric mentally facepalmed himself, making him space out for awhile that made him look like he was awkwardly staring at Juyeon.

"...is there something on my face?" Juyeon asked, making Eric snap out of his senses before shaking his head no. Juyeon just chuckled.

"Alright, shall we get started then?" Juyeon asked and Eric nodded immediately. The two got out of the staff room and started with their business.

"Did you see that shit." Kevin asked to Yena, to which she nodded as her lips turned into a pout while furrowing her brows, as if she just saw something unbelievable.

"That wasn't Juyeon, no way. He spoke more than 10 words." Yena joked to which made the two of them in a laughing fit.

But Changmin didn't look very happy.

[ • × • ]



🍞 | TBC

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