🌷 9 | Sour 🌷

322 20 5

::날 찾을 수 있지?::

"Thank you Mr. Bae!" Eric bowed to his senior to which Jacob only chuckled at, he was satisfied that he hired someone very enthusiastic.

"You're always welcome, also just call me hyung! No need with that old formality." Jacob told Eric to which the younger nodded, taking mental notes.

"Ofcourse hyung! Well since you said I can go now, I will. See you again tomorrow!" Eric flashed Jacob a smile before exiting his office, not forgetting to clock out.

As he was getting ready to leave, Juyeon approached the latter to which the younger noticed.

"Hey hyung, do you need something?" Eric asked as Juyeon was standing there quite awkwardly, scratching his nape as he looked everywhere but at Eric's direction.

"I was wondering if I could-" Before Juyeon could finish his sentence, Changmin barged in the room.

"Hey Eric!" Changmin had a beaming smile on his face, making Eric quite confused but he returned the latter's smile.

"Y-Yes hyung?" Eric wondered why the two suddenly came up to him when he was just about to leave.

"Since your shift has ended, I'll walk you out-"

"No, I'll walk him out." Juyeon coldly interrupted and cut Changmin's words. The both of them stared at eachother quite tensely as Eric was standing there confused and taken aback.

Even if it was silent, you can mentally hear Changmin and Juyeon lashing out eachother.

"I'll take you out." Chaewon entered the room and quickly read the situation. Wanting to save the younger, she offered him and Eric was more glad to accept.

"Goodbye Changmin hyung and Juyeon hyung, see you tomorrow!" Eric quickly said before going out with Chaewon.

Juyeon scoffed as Changmin's face was painted with disbelief. The room was filled with tension so dense that you could cut it with a butterknife.

"Thanks to you I lost my chance." Changmin rolled his eyes before walking out the room, quite fuming. Juyeon just sighed, recollecting himself.

"Well that was unexpected." Juyeon muttered to himself as he was deep in his thoughts, mostly thinking about the latter.


"Thanks for lending me a hand back there Chaewon." Eric let out a big sigh of relief as they were now outside the cafe.

"It's no big deal, you looked very troubled earlier with your two boyfies so I just helped out!" Chaewon giggled, joking as she saw how flustered Eric got.

"B-Boyfies?" Eric was so taken aback that he stuttered, this only made Chaewon laugh louder.

"You know what I meant. Now go before one of them chases after you!" Chaewon simply said before walking back to the cafe, waving goodbye to Eric which the latter waved back as well.

Eric walked back home, in his thoughts. Today was fun but also questionable, maybe he'll just get used to the environment that it won't bother him anymore.

After long minutes of walking, Eric got back home as he headed straight towards his bedroom, letting out a big sigh of relief as his soft bed welcomed him warmly.

"Yah! Go change before you do anything!" Hyunjae's voice resonated from his mind and he got shivers since he can still hear his brother's lectures even when he wasn't present. The younger groaned as he got up amd lazily changed to his more comfortable clothes, a T-shirt and his sweats.

Eric was quite bored. He knew he needed to study but the exam is still months away, so he could procrastinate just for awhile.

He thought of visiting Haknyeon's restaurant, he shot up from his bed as he wanted to see his friend, also knowing that Sunwoo might be there as well.

Eric tied his shoes and was ready to leave, since his brother wasn't home yet, he just sent a quick message to Hyunjae telling him that he will be at thr restaurant.

After sending the message, Eric closed the door behind him and locked it before walking towards Haknyeon's place.


Eric walked in the restaurant, it wasn't crowded much to his surprise but he didn't mind, he liked the quieter environment more.

"Oh hey Eric! What brings you here?" Hearing Haknyeon's voice, Eric swiftly turned around to see the older smiling widely.

"I just wanted to check up on you guys! But before that lets take a seat I don't want to just stand." Eric sat down on a table for three with Haknyeon following.

"We've been doing great! Sunwoo's in the back helping my mom cook." Haknyeon told Eric to which the younger nodded in response.

"So about your barista life, how was first day of work?" Haknyeon asked as Eric got excited, telling him what happened.

"...and someone even had a long-ass order. But since I had someone help me I came through." Eric told Haknyeon to which the older laughed at.

"It was very traumatizing." Eric added.

"Eric! Glad to see you here man!" Sunwoo said in excitement as he approached the table the other two was sitting in.

"Oh hey Sunwoo! You look good in that uniform." Eric giggled, complimenting Sunwoo. Sunwoo received the compliment as he blushed, taking a seat.

"Thanks." Sunwoo tried hard not to stutter but his face was quite obvious to people who aren't dense. Haknyeon noticed it and his smile quickly faded.

"I'll go get us some water, wait for me." Haknyeon stood up from his seat and walked away, Eric thanking him in advance before his focus was now fully on Sunwoo.

Haknyeon's face got blank, thoughts running inside his mind as he looked back at the table seeing Eric and Sunwoo converse very happily.

He just scoffed and got them some water.

Haknyeon got back the table with three glasses of water in hand. Both the younger thanked him as they all catched up with their day.

The oldest wasn't really in it at all, he just watched Eric and Sunwoo exchange words as he sat there with his thoughts whom he's more busy about.

[ • × • ]

550+ reads already? Y'all are crazy! Rawr rawr rawr! Thank you so much for reading!

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