📱 3 : Squirrelfriend 📱

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::새로운 만남::

It was now 10pm, Eric was fresh out of the shower as he got into his pyjamas, ready to binge watch some movies until he felt like sleeping. Grabbing some snacks he could eat while watching in the kitchen, he just grabbed a few bags of chips and got the carton of grape juice Sunwoo gave him. It was delicious so he was thankful.

Eric was so immersed into the movie, often throwing comments at the characters when they were doing something.

"No don't listen to him!"

"You crazy woman I- wow she did that."


"Shut up!" Hyunjae shouted from his room, telling Eric to tone himself down. The younger got quiet immediately and apologized to the older.

Eric's phone dinged as it received a notification. It was a text message and Eric was ready to swipe it away and continue the movie he was watching until he realized that it was from Changmin, the cute looking squirrel guy that he had talked and exchanged numbers earlier.

Ji Changmin (Q)
New message sent!

Ji Changmin (Q)
Hey Eric! It's Changmin. Are you still awake?

Eric smiled as he sent his response.

Yes hyung, do u need smth?

Sending his response, he could see Changmin immediately typing away after Eric's message.

Ji Changmin (Q)
Nothing really, just wanted to talk to someone since Juyeon was not answering me and my other friend is busy with his bf, I cant with them sometimes 🙄

Eric chuckled as he read Changmin's short ramble.

I'll accompany you then hyung~

Ji Changmin (Q)
Really? Yayyyy tysmmm! I hope I'm not wasting your time or distracting you from anything right?

No problems hyung! Besides I really have nothing much to do either.

Ji Changmin (Q)
Neat! Since you agreed, do you have something to talk about?

Eric was genuinely thinking of something, then he suddenly remembered the name Lee Juyeon. He didn't know why but the name was really stuck in his mind. Typing away, Eric asked about the people working on the cafe.

So since im starting tomm... I'm just a little curious who are the people I'm going to be working with.

Ji Changmin (Q)
Oohhhh good question~
Well first and foremost, I will be working with you lmao. Also there's my friend Chanhee who is very good at what he does, you can basically rely on him if you're troubled and stuff lol

"Chanhee? Sounds familiar." Eric muttered as he tried to remember where he heard the name.

That sounds pleasant~

Ji Changmin (Q)
Fr, I remember him helping me when I firsr started lmao.


It's just a bummer that he's taken. But im happy for him and glad we're bestest of friends


Ji Changmin (Q)
Oh shit im sorry lmao, that information was unnecessary kejdisjsks


There is also Yongbok, but we call him Felix since he wanted us to. He's such a cutie but his voice can mislead you.

Oh! He can also speak English since he once lived in Australia.

Eric was quite excited meeting these people. Hearing that one of them can also speak English, he thought that he would make friends with them easily.

Nice! Excited to see him already

Ji Changmin (Q)
Lmao why?

Since I grew up overseas as well, LA to be specific lol

Ji Changmin (Q)
Oh right! Well I can already tell the both of you will be the bestest of friends

I hope so

Ji Changmin (Q)
Don't worry, we're all friendly! Well, atleast friendly enough


Ji Changmin (Q)
Well I think you already know that you'll be with Juyeon hyung tomorrow, and all I could say that he's the least friendly out of all of us.


Eric started to worry, the thought of meeting the latter made him nervous as Changmin has described him not being friendly.

Ji Changmin (Q)
but that doesn't mean he's rude af, he just chooses to avoid making interactions often except when he's serving the customers.

he was also friendly and talkative back then, idk what made him so cold and uninterested in anything.

Eric kinda felt sad for Juyeon, but he was really curious to how the older can be so mysterious.

Changmin and Eric continued their conversation as he got introduced to basically all the staff working there. He thanked the older to which he responded that he was glad that he helped.

Turning his phone off as he went offline, he placed the phone besides him as he stared at his room's ceiling. He felt mixed emotions for tomorrow, excited, nervous, scared, happy.

It just seems that he couldn't take the name Juyeon off his mind.

[ • × • ]

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