📢 10 | Quiet 📢

301 19 1

::의심 많::

The three friends were still talking, mostly Sunwoo and Eric at the same table for about an hour now. That meant Haknyeon feeling like a third wheel for a whole hour.

When suddenly Eric's phone rang. His friends were silenced for a moment as he answered the call, seeing the caller ID was his older brother.

"Hello hyung?" Eric responded as he excused himself from his friends to hear his brother more clearly.

"Hey Eric, are you finished with work? Have you gone home safely? Have you eate-" Hyunjae bombarded his little brother questions that the younger couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yes hyung, and actually I'm at Haknyeon hyung's resto place right now." Eric informed Hyunjae to which the older responded with a hum.

"Okay, I just wanted to tell you that I'll be home in just a few hours. I swear I will beat Younghoon when he comes back. Make sure to do the chores today okay?" Hyunjae told his youngee brother, only for Eric to roll his eyes as he sighed.

"Yes hyung..." Eric responded with a dismayed sigh, making Hyunjae chuckle at his reaction.

"Well I'm gonna put the phone down now. Go have fun with your friends or something. Byeeeee~" Hyunjae dragged his goodbye as Eric simply said his goodbye too before hanging up.

Returning to his friends, who were talking then noticing his presence. Sunwoo's face lit up as Haknyeon only smiled.

"Who called you?" Sunwoo asked curiously, scooting closer to Eric as the younger sat down.

"It was my brother, he informed me he'll be home soon." Eric simply said as his friends just nodded.

"Well I have to get going, forgot that I had to do chores today." Eric chuckled as Sunwoo's smile turned to a frown.

"You're already leaving?" Sunwoo asked in slight disappointment. Eric nodded, giggling as he noticed his friend's look on his face.

"What? You miss me already?" Eric teased as Sunwoo shook his head no.

"Whatever, catch you guys later!" Eric told his friends before exiting the place and go home. Sunwoo stared at Eric dreamingly when the younger turned his back on them.

Haknyeon saw all of it happen and you can see him rolling his eyes like, every 5 minutes. He was mentally cursing at everyone and how things never go his way. It's sad honestly.

"He's so cute, don't you think?" Haknyeon was snapped out of his thoughts as Sunwoo asked him that question.

"O-Oh yeah, definitely so cute." Haknyeon answered, making Sunwoo giggle as he daydream about Eric.

Haknyeon was honestly upset but he also knew he didn't have any right to be upset. That's why he felt very uncomfortable with the situation.

"Wow, you look so deep in your thoughts, are you okay?" Sunwoo asked the older who snapped out of his thoughts quickly, shaking his head.

"Said the one who's daydreaming about Eric right now." Haknyeon rolled his eyes as Sunwoo was silenced, blushing as he looked away.

Saying that made Haknyeon slightly hurt, how his words were accurate and true.

"I mean, how can I not?" Sunwoo admitted as he giggled, making Haknyeon look at him with disgust by how inlove Sunwoo was.

"Whatever, boba head." Haknyeon chuckled before going back to the counter, Sunwoo following right after as they go on with their stuff.


"She came back again? Damn Juyeon you're screwed." Kevin told his friend as Juyeon massaged his temples, his eyes closed as he remained calm.

"I didn't know she would be coming back, I just know she'll terrorize me for the next few weeks." Juyeon spoke as Kevin could only pity his friend.

"Didn't you already tell her to give up? Knowing that she only-" Kevin was about to finish his sentence but Juyeon already shushed him, not wanting to hear it since it brings back bad memories.

"When did she even give up? Damn that woman won't even let me live in peace." Juyeon was deep in his thoughts, his ex was back to haunt him again.

"Well goodluck with her bro. She's so persistent." Kevin told Juyeon who only groaned in annoyance.

"Other than that, how was Eric? You two already seem close we've noticed." Kevin asked as Juyeon perked a brow, looking at his friend who was waiting for his answer.

"Well ofcourse, I had to be with his side since he's a newbie so." Juyeon simply answered as Kevin only chuckled.

"No, not that kind of close you dense fuck." Those words shocked Juyeon as it caught him off guard, making Kevin giggle seeing his friend's reaction.

"Geez you guys love romaticizing everything don't you?" Kevin continued laughing as Juyeon rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, with your ex situation  if you need any help we're here for you." Kevin patted his friend's shoulder before heading off the counter.

Juyeon could only sigh as he grabbed his phone, only to see it getting spammed messages from his crazy ex making him close his phone immediately, throwing it at the other end of the couch.

He groaned as his ex has yet once again found his new number. He was honestly fed up and wanted it to end. Shaking his head, he stood up and left his phone alone for awhile, going back to the counter and attend customers as well.

[ • × • ]

Who might be Juyeon's ex? And why is she so annoying?

Also Haknyeon, stay strong bb we love you 🙈

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