🌇 5 : Morning Music 🌇

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::우리는 일출에 반대한다::

Krrr! Krrr!

Juyeon whined in dissatisfaction as his alarm went off. Knowing that a new day has now started, Juyeon opened his eyes as he stretched his body, yawning as he sat up, grabbing his phone to turn his alarm off and proceed his way to the bathroom.

Taking a quick, warm shower, Juyeon still had time to eat breakfast and check up on his mother as well. He took his time as he dried up after finishing.

Heading down towards the kitchen, Juyeon pulled out the carton of eggs and some bacon. Seeing that there were also leftovers, he decided to heat them up to and eat them.

He cooked in silence, the sound of the pan sizzling as he cooked eggs and bacon. The appetizing aroma of it made Juyeon hungrier as his stomach slightly growled.

Serving the eggs and bacon in a food platter, Juyeon tossed the leftovers in the microwave to heat up for few minutes, it was effortless and hassle-free so he didn't bother using the stove top to heat up the leftovers.

After setting everything on the table, Juyeon went upstairs to check on his mother. Knocking on the door, Juyeon waited for any response before slowly opening the door, peeking to see that his mother was still sleeping.

Just seeing his mother in comfort made Juyeon feel at ease. Approaching his sleeping mother, Juyeon placed a hand on his mother's shoulder and gently shook her, making his mother to open her eyes.

"Mom, if you want to eat I prepared breakfast downstairs okay?" Juyeon informed his mother as the woman gave him a smile, nodding before Juyeon planted a kiss on her forehead.

Juyeon went back downstairs to start eating and getting prepared for another day of work. He sighed, he just remembered that there will be a new guy joining them and he had to be the one guiding the latter.

He just shrugged it off as he finished eating, putting his dishes in the sink as he go back to his room and grab his stuff.

He obviously checked his phone first to see any unread messages.

Chanhee is a hoe
5 Active

Good morning mortals

Why does the devil have to visit so early?!



Rude TT

I'm just kidding jsjsjwjsj but you do be acting evil sometimes

Boring Bitch
Too true lol


I greeted y'all a good morning and y'all do this to me damn I'm hurt 😒

Chanhee started it


Also Juyeon, goodluck later!

Oh yeah! Hyung if you need any help I can offer some help lolz

Boring Bitch

uhm hello!

Omg Eric hi!!!

Looking forward to meet you guys!

Boring Bitch
Wait when tf did you guys add him? And why is he here already in the gc y'all really outing your crackheadness to the newbie-

I mean, he's pretty chill and kinda like us you know

Even though we just interacted through messages, I can already see why Q likes you

Oh really? 😌

See, his vibes are good
seen 07:22 by Eric, Q, Chanh(o)ee...

Juyeon looked at the time to see that he needed to get moving.

Going back up to his mother's room, he notified his mom that he will be leaving for work.

"Don't forgeg to take your medications okay? If you need any help just call me." Juyeon reminded his mom, smiling as she nodded. Giving her mother's forehead a peck before leaving.

Plugging his earphones in his phone, he played his upbeat playlist to get him started, occasionally bopping his head to the beat as he ventured to the cafe.

Seeing that the cafe had already opened, he assumed that there was someone already there. Entering from the back, he saw Changmin cleaning the place up as he set the tables and chairs.

"Well you're early today, never seen you this early." Juyeon spoke to which slightly surprised the latter, making the older laugh at Changmin's response.

"What about it?" Changmin asked, Juyeon staring right at him which made the green-haired man confused. Juyeon just shook his head as he helped Changmin setting everything up.

They were now open as Jacob has just arrived, both of them giving their hyung a greeting to which the older gave one back before moving to his office quickly.


It was now 9:45 a.m and Juyeon was quite nervous. Foe once, he cared about leaving a decent first impression. The others noticed which made them chuckle.

"Hey!" Yena snapped her fingers infront of Juyeon, which broke the latter in his trance as he was deep in his thoughts.

"Anything bothering you?" Shaking his head, Juyeon flashed a reassuring smile to his friend and dismissed her.

"Well if you say so..." Pouting, Yena turned back to Chaewon who just finished serving a customer.

"I really think he's thinking about something." Yena told Chaewon who looked over to Juyeon, giggling as he nodded.

"Maybe he's thinking about how he's going to show the guy around. Meaning he might be concerned about his impression to him or something." Chaewon responded to which Yena nodded in agreement.

"Sounds about right." Yena looked over to Juyeon who was still thinking but not until a new customer entered for him to attend to. Shaking her head, he continued to do her work.

[ • × • ]



⭐ | TBC

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