The new student part 2

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Hinata pov
I was in absolute awe. I never thought Kenma would be at my school let alone the same class as me! 'I thought he was a second year, why is he in the first year class?' I think to myself still starring "Everyone! This is Kenma Kozume, a transfer student from Tokyo. Please be kind and treat him respect." The teacher says as he tells Kenma where to sit. Which coincidentally was right behind me! "I found you again." Kenma whispers which sent chills up my spine. "Do you know anyone in the class Kenma? I know they would be astounded to show you around." The teachers asks before writing on the chalk board.
"I know Hinata, can he show me around?" Kenma says as the teacher nods his head in agreement. "Sure! Are you okay with that Hinata?" The teacher asks. I forcefully nod my head smiling and the teacher begins class.
After class
Kenma pov
     My plan is working so far! I know I lied about my age to be a first year but it's all worth it in the end. I know I may seem like the "bad guy" but I only did this for Sho's sake. He doesn't deserve such a rude boyfriend like Tsukkishima. Shoyou needs a loving and caring boyfriend, like me! We leave the classroom after we get our assignment and Shoyou brings me around the school. "Ok, I'm only doing this to not get in trouble. I'm not, I repeat, I am NOT doing this for you. So don't think of anything you filthy excuse of a friend." Shoyou says in one of the empty hallways.
Hinata pov
"You filthy excuse of a friend." I say before I lead him to the lunch room. "Where do you normally sit?" Kenma asks tugging on my sleeve. "That's none of your business, we sit wherever we want so go get your lunch sit away from me." I say pulling my arm away. I walk away and see Natsu with her friends (the kids can have same lunch no matter the grade). "Hi Nii-Chan!" Natsu yells waving at me. I wave back and go get my lunch. "Hey Shoyou!" Yuu and Ryu yell running towards me. "Hi guys!" I say smiling at them. "So they get to call you Shoyou but I can't?" Kenma says crossing his arms.
"Woah, what is he doing here?" Ryu asks giving Kenma a glare. I shrug my shoulders and ignore Kenma. "Answer me!" Kenma says grabbing my wrist. I wince at the pain as the rest of the team walk into the lunch room. "Let go, you wouldn't want to cause a scene, would you?" Yuu asks with a death smile. "Ugh, I'll get you soon Shoyou~" Kenma says and walks away. "Nii-Chan, that was the same man who you said took Kei-Chan away from us. Why is he here?" Natsu asks walking up to me. "I don't know sweetie, but make sure you're with your friends every single minutes now. We don't know what he'll do when we're alone." I say as she begins to walk to her friends and apologizes for walking off.
"Sorry guys but, I'm gonna sit with my brother and his friends. I'll be with you guys tomorrow though!" I could hear her say as she grabs her lunch and walks over to us. "Are you sure sweetie?" Koushi asks leaning his head to the side. "I'm sure!" She says and Ryu lifts her up as we walk to our table. "So what's Kenma doing here?" Azumane asks looking at me. "I guess he wanted to be closer to me and Natsu. I'm scared guys, w-what if he tries to do what A-Atsumu did to me and then h-hurt N-Natsu." I say as Natsu gets out of Ryu's arms to walk beside me.
      "We won't let that happen! If he does anything come to us straight(not so straight) away." Enno says grabbing Ryu's hand(uwu). I nod my head and we sit down. I sat next to Natsu, Enno sat by Ryu, Yuu sat by Azumane, Koushi sat by Sawamura, Tadashi sat by Tobio, and Narita sat by Kino. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Kenma staring at us like a hawk. I shiver and I look the opposite way.  "Are you okay Shoyou?" Tobio asks drinking his milk. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say grabbing my sister's brownie while she eats her sandwich. "Hey! I saw that Nii-Chan." She says pouting.
       "We can share." I say splitting it in half. The others laugh Shimizu and Hitoka sit down. "Did we miss anything or all you acting like idiots?" Shimizu says smiling. "We're just idiots." Yuu says taking a bite of his meat bun. "Well, me and Hitoka have an announcement." Shimizu says as we all look at them. "M-me and Sh-Shimizu and d-dating." Hitoka says burying her face in Shimizu's shoulder. "Called it. You owe me 20 bucks." Enno says looking at Ryu. "Yeah, yeah." Ryu says giving him a 20. "You guys put a bet." Hitoka says Turing red.
      "What do you expect? This is our team we're talking about." Tadashi says shaking his head. "Is this normal?" Natsu asks finishing her sandwich and drinking her water. "Yeah, you'll have to get used to it since we ain't leaving you two alone anymore." Tadashi says grabbing some french fries. "I think I'll be fine with that." She says smiling finishing the other half of the brownie I left. "Woah, lunch is already over! Well, see you guys at practice." Yuu says walking away with Azumane. "Bye guys!" Ryu says waving the table with Enno, Narita, and Kino.
We all leave and Natsu goes to her classroom with her friends as I have to walk with Kenma. "Let's go!" Kenma says grabbing my hand. I pull my hand back and put them in my pocket. "Ok then." He says and links arms with me. "Can't you understand I don't wanna touch you." I say pushing him to the other side of the hall. "Oh well sorry for wanting to hold hands with you." He says walking away to his class. Thankfully I don't have anymore classes with him for the rest of the day. I get to my class and the teacher begin the lesson.
After school
Hinata pov
Class just ended and I pick up Natsu before heading to practice. "Hi Nii-Chan! We going to practice now?" Natsu asks running up to me. "Mhm! You can help Shimizu and Hitoka when we get there." I say grabbing her hand. We get to the gym and we see Ryu and Yuu practicing their receives. "Woah, that looks like fun! Can I join?" Natsu asks putting her bag down and taking her jacket off. "Of course! You're gonna learn to receive from the best libero at Karasuno." Yuu says bumping the volleyball at her. "Good thing we got her the pants uniform instead of the one with a skirt." I say to myself as I pick up her bag.
     "I'll be back, I'm gonna change in the club room!" I say as the Natsu practices receives with Ryu and Yuu. I change and the rest of the team enter the club room. "Hey Shoyou! Where's Natsu?" Koushi asks putting his bag down. "Practicing her receives with Ryu and Yuu." I say grabbing my water bottle. "Wow, those two are first? That's new." Sawamura says laughing. "She might want to be a libero now! I was hoping she was gonna be a setter!" Koushi says crossing his arms. I laugh and leave the club room to see Kenma right in front of the door. "Woah! What the- what are you doing here?" I ask backing up. "I was wondering if I could join the club." Kenma says walking towards me.
       "Sorry, all the spaces are filled so you can leave now." I say walking away. "Don't walk away from me!" Kenma says grabbing my wrist really hard. I wince at the pain as the others walk out of the club room. "You should let go unless you wanna get beat up." Tobio says cracking his knuckles. "Tch. You're lucky for now. But I'll get you soon." Kenma says before walking away. "You okay Shoyou?" Tadashi asks holdng Tobio back from changing Kenma. "Y-yeah, it was only a split second of pain." I say rubbing my wrist. They all nod their heads and go to the gym.
      When we get into the gym we see Shimizu and Hitoka sitting on the stage's ledge with Natsu. "-and that's why Eren is one of the best main characters to ever exist!" Hitoka says as I walk towards them. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask sitting on the ledge with them. "Nothing really, just Attack on Titan stuff." Shimizu says smiling. "Well you guys go back to what you were talking about, we're gonna go practice." I say walking to the court. 'It was weird not having Kei on the court, I felt my position was half empty without him.' I think to myself not really paying attention around me. "Shoyou watch out!" I hear a yell. I look and before I knew it I was hit in the head and blacked out.

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