The Kidnapping

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Hi everyone! Be prepared this is long chapter with TW; r@pe and m\/rder

Hinata pov
I woke up and started making breakfast for my family. I was making pancakes with homemade whipped cream. It was a lot of work but totally worth it. I then feel something hug me from behind, it was Natsu. "Ohayo sweetie." I say still cooking but have a smile. "Ohayo Nii-Chan." She says half asleep. "Go wash up before breakfast and when your done get Kei out of bed please." I say trying to not mess up the whip cream dollops. "Mhm." She says and get ready.
Then I felt a pat on my head, it was Kei. "Morning Kei!" I say with a big smile "Ohayo shorty." He says with a small smirk. "I'm not short!" I yell trying to hit his head but fail. He just laughs, grab the plates, and set them in the table. We had breakfast but then I remembered I have to buy groceries. I told them I'll be back later and that I'll call them if anything bad happens.
Tsukki pov
        Shoyou went to get groceries and I spent the time with Natsu. We played with her dolls, watched some movies, and they played a board game cause we had nothing better to do. We've been doing stuff for about 2 hours and Shoyou still hasn't come back. "W-where's Nii-Chan?" Natsu asks about to cry. "H-he said he w-would be back in an hour, i-it's been t-two hours." She say trying to not stumble on her words a lot.
       "I don't know princess, let's call him ok," I say while holding her tight. I tried calling him but there was no answer. "Natsu sweetie, I'm gonna call a friend to take care of you while I look for Shoyou. Is that okay?" I ask trying to keep her calm and I feel a nod on my chest. I call Sugawara and Yams what happened and they said they'll be there in 5. I then proceed to call Bokuto, Kuroo, Nishinoya, and Tanaka to go help me look.
Rewind to Hinata Shopping
Hinata pov
     I walked out of the house to get the items and I felt the strange presence again. I ignored it and went to the store. When I finished, I felt the presence even closer. I began running away from it but it kept getting closer. Then I turned around and I saw someone in a mask but I recognized the hair. Before I could say anything I get hit in the back of the head a everything went black.
Time skip to when he wakes up
Hinata pov
        I wake up in a basement not remembering anything and then I see yellowish-blond hair. When my vision cleared I could see who it was, it was Atsumu. "Morning baby, did you sleep well?" He asks with a grin. "First of all, don't call me that and second, what do you want from me?" I say confused but annoyed. "I wanted to be with you again baby. Is that so wrong?" He asks with a pout. "I mean yeah? First your my ex, second you cheated on me with Sakusa a freaking germaphobe and said I wasn't good enough. Now you want me back?" I say with an annoyed expression and trying to not tell him about me and Kei living together.
       "That was in the past and I've changed." He says with a scary smile. "Yeah... kidnapping your ex definitely means you've changed." I say with a taunting voice. "Listen you little brat! You are mine and if you do anything to disobey me your getting it. You've been toying with me and if this continues you're not gonna see your family ever again." He say with a blood lust look. I nod slowly as he walks up to me. "Im sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you." He says leaving a kiss on my cheek and then leaving.
Atsumu(Walmart sangwoo) pov
       My baby is finally back and my dead brother can't do anything about it. I placed him a chair and tied him so he can't escape.  He finally wakes up and he didn't seem scared. I then taunt him by saying he won't see his family ever again. I can't wait to do all sorts of things with my baby.
Tsukki pov
I get into Kuroo's car to find the others already there. I also got a call from Yams that they invited yaku and oikawa. I even decided we should bring Iwazumi just in case we needed brute strength. "Ok where was the last time your saw Chibi-Chan?" Kuroo asks while driving. "Before he left to get groceries." I say clenching a knife(there was a cover on it). "Ok we have a knife, a bat, a gun, and taser." Nishinoya says holding the items in a bag.
We picked up Iwazumi and we tried to track Shoyou's phone but nothing showed up. "Did Sho say anything about past relationships that might help us." Noya asks while recounting our weapons. "Not that I remember, no." I say angry at myself for not paying attention to the small detail. "Damn it! When I finally get him back he's gone again!" I yell while holding tears. "It's fine Tsukki we'll find him for sure." Bokuto says while gripping a sword(where did he get that). We continue to drive to find anything that Shoyou may have left.
Natsu pov
It's been hours since Tsukki left and even more hours since Nii-Chan left too. Tsukki's friends keep me company but my mind is out of it. We decide to watch a movie to get my mind of thing but it didn't help. "W-where are they?" I ask beginning to cry. "Don't worry sweetie, Tsukkishima will find Hinata." Suga says pulling me into a hug as I begin to cry more. "Th-that was the l-last thing Shoyou called me before he went missing." I say holding tighter.
"Don't worry he'll be found no matter what." A short red-head said, I'm pretty sure him name was Yaku. I nod and begin to feel tired. "Go ahead and sleep we'll be with you the entire time." Yamaguchi said as I drift to sleep.
Hinata pov
I've been stuck to the chair for about 5 hours now. From time to time, Atsumu comes down to feed me but I just turn away. Before he leaves he always kisses me on the lips. "Baby~ ready for some fun tonight?" I hear a voice say and I immediately start to freak out. "Don't you fucking touch me." I say trying to not sound scared. "Oh don't say that~, you're gonna enjoy it. I promise~" He cooed in my ear. "NO!" I yell. "Baby, you shouldn't have done that. Now you're gonna get punished." He says beginning to leave hickies on my neck.
After that(not again😭)
"Damn baby, who knew you were such a perfect little play thing." He say and then leaves. I felt so disgusted in myself and wanted to die again. "W-what just happened?" I ask myself as tears flow down my face. When Kei finds out about this he'll want me and Natsu to leave. Where would we go, our parents left us and we don't have any other relatives. I begin crying and notice my phone was right next to me. I pick it up and use Siri to turn on my location just in case they look for me. I then fell asleep praying they find me.
Tsukki pov
We tried to see if Shoyou's location was on again and to our surprise it was. "Guys, his location is on!" I yell beginning to have tears in my eyes. "Where?" Kuroo asks looking in the car mirror. "It's in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods." I say confused. "Hook it up to the GPS." Bokuto says. I nod as the guys make sure they have enough weapons. "We have our bats, tasers, knifes, and a sword somehow. Bokuto, where did you even get that?" Tanaka says while sounding confused on the last part. "I have my ways. Now let's hurry up and find my child."   He says getting ready to open his sword.
     "He's technically Suga's child but ok." I mumble hoping he didn't here me. We got to the house and noticed the door was already open. We grabbed our self defense items out and get into the house. When we got in there was another door open so we just decided to follow it hoping it led to Shoyou. We get to the bottom of a basement and see Shoyou there tied up to a chair and naked. I wake him up and he began crying as I held him tight and covered him.
Hinata pov
      I'm awakened by a shaking and when I open my eyes, I saw Kei. "K-Kei what are you doing here and the rest of the guys?" I ask as he holds me tight. "We came looking for you and here we are." He says trying to untie me. "No you have to leave my ex is gonna kill you all." I say trying to make them leave. "Not a change we have tasers, guns, knifes, bats, and even a dang sword." Iwazumi says holding a gun. "And when we get home, we're having a sleepover at ourr place." Kei says using a knife to cut the rest of the ropes.
     "Ara ara~ look what the cat dragged in." Atsumu says holding a knife with blood lust in his eyes. "Look I don't care who you are but you hurt my family and now your gonna pay." Kei says as I notice an even bigger blood lust coming from him. I look around to see everyone with there weapons out and looking ready to kill. "Oh baby, did you tell them what we did last night?" He says with a smirk. I look at Kei and he says, "Don't worry honey, we'll talk about it when we get back he says pointing a his gun at Atsumu's head.
Tsukki pov
     Hearing Atsumu say that made me want to kill him more. Good thing we came up with a plan just in case we ran into the person who took my sunshine from me and Natsu. "Guys, you know what to do." I say with a smirk. As soon as I say that Bokuto came running at Atsumu cutting his legs to make him fall, and the Iwazumi and Kuroo shoot both of his arms, and Nishinoya and Tanaka beat him until he's barely conscious.
      "Who wants to kill this bastard?" Kuroo asks making sure no one was near the house after what happened. "How about we let Shoyou kill him." I say with a devil smile. "O-ok." He says taking the gun. "H-Hinata baby, don't do this I know you still love me." Atsumu says with a scared smile. "Yeah no. Not only did you cheat on me, YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME AND RAPED ME!" Shoyou yells ready to shoot. "I'll see you in Hell you bitch." And after that he was dead.
Hinata pov
    "I'll see you in Hell you bitch." Was the final thing I said before killing him. "So what are we gonna do about the body?" Iwazumi asks. "Eh, just leave it her all we need to do it bring the weapons back so no one knows it's was us." I say with a little shaky voice. "We're glad your okay Sho. He didn't do anything did he?" Nishinoya asks gripping my hand into a fist. "Umm, can we have this talk later, I don't wanna relive what happened hehe." I say forcing a small laugh. They nod and we get into the car with me on Kei's lap since he wouldn't let go of me.
      We got back to the apartment and when I opened the door Natsu came running to me knocking me over. "N-nii-Chan, are you o-okay?" She asks trying her hardest not to cry. "I'm okay sweetie." I say holding her tightly. That's when I notice almost all the team moms were here plus Yamaguchi. "You okay Hinata?" They ask at the same time. "Yeah, sorry to make you stay and watch my sister." I say trying to get up. "No it's fine, she was good and fell asleep for half the time." Yaku says with a small smile. After a little reassurance, we decided to play truth or dare.
Suga pov
    I know Hinata said everything was fine but something had to have happened. "Hinata, truth or dare?" I ask trying not to look suspicious. "Umm, dare!" He says with a smile. "You don't have to but, I dare you to tell us what happened during your disappearance." I say as everyone looked at Hinata.
Hinata pov
     "Umm, hehe, you see, the person who took me was my ex, his name was Atsumu. He took me after I left the store, and I woke up in a basement. Then after a couple hours, he um, he raped me. After an hour he finally finished and left me naked. Then you guys found me. And after beating the shit out him I killed that bitch hehe." I say with a smile at the end. Then after a couple more games we went to bed. As I was about to sleep with Kei, I felt Natsu go  between us so we can all cuddle. We all go to sleep and nothing else happened.
The next morning
Tsukki pov
     I was the first to wake up and decided to make breakfast for everyone. I was making waffle with fruit in it since it was quick and filling. I then notice Suga was up. "Hey Suga, can you take Natsu to the park with the other for a couple hours?" I ask. "Sure but why?" He asks half asleep. "Let's just say I need to mark my territory on Shoyou." I say while making the waffles. "Ok o don't need to know and sure." He says now fully awake.
      Once everyone was awake we ate breakfast. "Dang Tsukki, I didn't know you could cook." Bokuto says. "Eh it was easy and the only thing I know how to make perfectly, Shoyou does all the cooking." I say eating a waffle. "Ok Hinata you have to cook for us one day!" Tanaka says and everyone agreeing. "If Tsukki can make waffles this good, I cant wait to see how good your food it." Yams says taking another waffle.
Hinata pov
     "Umm it probably won't be as good as Kei's waffles." I say eating my waffle. "Don't lie Nii-Chan, you make amazing food! Remember when you made a salmon sashimi with a tofu pot too!" Natsu says eating a smaller waffle than us. They all look at me with a shocked look except Natsu and Kei. "You've made that before?" Oikawa asks in shock. "Heh, yeah and it was surprisingly quick too." I say while my face turns red.
     "Ok we're coming for dinner one night and we'll help you cook." Iwazumi says grabbing am the second to last waffle. "Um ok but I'll text you guys when I'm making a big dinner." I say with a smile. "Can I have the last waffle?" Natsu asks with a big smile. We nod in agreement and everyone got ready for the park except me and Tsukki. I wonder why....

Is it really love? A Tsukkihina story(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now