The first month

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Tsukki pov(entire time)
I've been in jail for about 2 weeks and I hate it. The inmates are annoying as hell. Well not this one guys, his name is Suna and he's pretty chill. The first day I was behind bars, he was the only one who spoke to me. After that we became friends. "Why you here?" I ask him. "Murdered my ex for cheating on me." He says looking at the wall. "What about you?" He asks looking at me. "I murdered my boyfriend's abusive dad." I say laying on the bed. We proceed to talk the rest of night and realize we have a lot in common.
We both love dinosaurs, we make bitchy comments a lot, and we aren't afraid to kill. We talked the rest of the night until we fell asleep without even noticing.
The next day
    I woke up to see Suna right beside me and I freaked out. I moved to the other side of the bed real fast not trying to wake him up. I got off the bed and laid on the ground. A couple minute later he woke up. "Ohayou Tsukkishima." He says rubbing his eyes. "Ohayou Suna." I say rubbing my lenses. "I have a quick question." I ask putting my glasses on. "Ok, shoot." He say laying on his side. "Why were you sleeping with me on the bed when you have your own?" I ask looking at him.
    "Gomen. I was too tired and just laid on the closest bed, my bad." He say getting out of bed. "Ok it's fine just don't do it again." I say giving him a glare. "Of course it won't I swear." He says sitting across from me. We get ready for breakfast and the officers give us our meal. "Idatakimasu." We both say and begin to eat our meal. 
A couple weeks later
We talked about our life before we got locked up and after I heard his I'm pretty sure he's a yandere or something like that.
   "I lived with my parents and had an amazing boyfriend. His name was Kita, we both played on the same volleyball team and had a strong relationship, or so I thought. I went over to his house without telling him surprise him but I found him making out with some guy on the couch with half of their clothes off. He tried to explain but, I stabbed the guy making Kita scream. I said, '"If I can't have you, no one will."' And then I stabbed him. His parents saw me stab him, called the cops, and here we are." He says laying on his back staring at the ceiling. "What's yours?" He asks looking at me.
   "Well, I didn't have the greatest house with my parents working 24/7, and my brother at college. But it wasn't as bad as my boyfriend's home. One day he asked me out and that's when I saw his entire mask break. He wasn't the sunshine everyone else saw. He was a broken train-wreck, who only has his sister to help him besides me. Then I met this girl in the school garden confessing to me and kissed me. My boyfriend saw and broke down again. The next day, he jumped off the school roof and was asleep for about 15 hours. I went to go get his sister with my team and we saw her getting raped by their father.
    I stabbed him like three times and beat him up. We got my boyfriend's sister to him and she stayed with him till he was able to leave, and they could both move in with me. Then he got kidnapped by his ex. I'm pretty sure his name was Atsumu or something." I say trying to remember correctly. "No way, Atsumu?!? He was on our team with his twin brother Osamu. Well... they were on our team, Osamu got killed and Atsumu went missing." Suna says not knowing the full truth behind that.
    "You see, Atsumu killed Osamu and then kidnapped my boyfriend. We found him in an abandoned house and we killed him. Or should I say, my boyfriend killed him(uwu). After that everything was normal. I had my family back and my friends too. Then when I saw their dad again, I lost it. I stabbed him like 20 times on both legs and he died of blood loss. After that, there was court, yada yada, and here I am." I say staring at the wall again.
    After we told our stories we talked about our schools, hobbies, stuff like that. Then Suna asked the weirdest question. "Are you single now?" "Uhm, the fuck? I said I have a boyfriend and I'm living with him and his sister. Did you hear me or were you spacing out?" I ask confused. "Gomen! I couldn't remember if you were or not." He say bowing his head a little. I brush it off and take a nap.
        When he wakes up
Author pov
   When Tsukki woke up, he saw Suna staring a him who was on the floor on the side of the bed. Tsukki moves over and says, "Dude! Why the hell were you staring at me?" "Sorry you looked so peaceful." Suna says with a light blush. "Uhm, weirdo." I say not making eye contact with him. "You know, you pretty cute, wanna date?" Suna says leaning on my shoulder. "Um the fuck? I have a boyfriend I said that MANY times." I say backing up.
"Oh come on, it's not like he'll know. It can be a secret between you and me." He says running his fingers on my chest. "What the fuck?!? I don't even know your age! And even if I did, I wouldn't cause I'm in a healthy relationship." I say pushing him away. "Well, I'm 17." He says."I'm fucking 15!" I says walking to the other side of the room. "It won't be bad, don't you wanna be with someone who has experience?" He say crawling on top of me. "Bitch! I have a fucking boyfriend who would be better than you any day." I say trying to push him off of me.
"Let's test that out then shall we~" Suna say talking my shirt off. "I think the fuck not!" I say pushing him off and punching him till the officers break us up. "Woah buddy, calm down. What happened?" The officer says holding me back. "H-he started beating me u-up for no reason." Suna says pretending to cry. "Drop the damm act. You tried to fucking rape me even when you knew I was in a damn relationship." I say stepping away from him. "If I can, can I have a different cellmate?" I ask fixing my shirt. They nod and take Suna away.
'I really hope my roommate is not a guy.' I think. They brought my new cell mate and it was a girl this time. 'Thank god.' I think with a relieved look on my face. "Don't try any funny business just cause I'm a girl." She says giving me a death glare. "Calm down. I'm gay and in a relationship." I say rubbing my lenses. "Cool. I'm into girls. My name is Saeko Tanaka." She says sticking out her hand. "I'm Kei Tsukkishima." I say shaking her hand.
"By any chance, do you know someone named Ryunosuke Tanaka?" I say out of curiosity. "Yeah actually, he's my little brother. You know him?" Saeko asks laying on the bed. "Yeah, I'm on the volleyball team with him." I say putting my glasses back on. "How long you've been here?" I ask looking at her. "For about 2 months. It's been a week since I was here." She says looking at me. "What about you?" "I've been here for 2 weeks and got 3 months." I reply heading to my bed. "You seem like a cool guys Tsukkishima." She says sitting up. "You're not so bad your self Saeko. Wait, I can call you that right?" I ask making sure she's comfortable with it.
"Yeah call me what you want. You can call me sis if you want too. I let all my baby brother's friends call me by my first name or sis." She says shrugging her shoulders. "Ok then Saeko." I say laying on my bed. "What position you play?" She asks. "I'm a middle blocker same as my boyfriend . Well, he's a middle blocker and decoy." I say smiling a little. "Well you can tell me all about your positions tomorrow. Night." She says laying down covered by a blanket. "Night." I say coving myself." 'I might actually enjoy prison now, but I hope Shoyou and Natsu are fine without me.' I think to myself before heading to bed.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Tsukki met Tanaka's sister and they'll have a sister brother relationship. The next chapter will be what Shoyou and Natsu are up to with the team since Tsukki left.

Is it really love? A Tsukkihina story(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now