No More

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Dolly and Dawkins were finishing up getting the pups to bed, it had been a chaotic day of pups playing and the living room had toys everywhere that needed to be picked up. They both made their downstairs and began picking up everything and placing them back in the toy closet.

Suddenly they heard the door open.

As they looked over they saw Delilah stepping inside with their brothers Dylan, DJ, and Dante behind her.

They noticed how nervous Dante looked.

"DJ and Dante, you both go upstairs and shower to get that cat hair off, and after that you go to bed DJ." Delilah said.

DJ nodded and headed to the bathroom, meanwhile Delilah gave a serious look to Dante who lowered his head at her.

"And Dante when you're done, come downstairs so your father and I can have a talk with you." She said before walking in the living room.

Dante didn't say anything, but did as instructed. He waited outside the bathroom for DJ to finish before taking his turn. DJ stepped out of the bathroom after ten minutes and began to make his way to the bedroom, but not before giving Dante a concerned look.

Dante didn't say anything and stepped inside to take his shower. He waited for a bit for the water to warm up before stepping in the tub. He slowly scrubbed himself, in truth he was trying to delay.

He heard a knock on the door. It was Dylan

"Dante mom says you are taking to long, you need to hurry up." Dylan yelled.

Dante let out a sigh and turned off the water, grabbing a towel to dry himself before putting back his collar on.

"Let's get this over with." Dante said to himself, preparing for the worse.

He made his way to the living room where he saw his parents sitting on the couch, looking disappointed.

There was an awkward silence before Delilah finally spoke.

"Dante do you know why we're unhappy?" She asked.

"Because I went to the Not Party." Dante said, not looking at her.

"Even though Dylan said to you that he was suppose to keep an eye on you and you left anyway?" Delilah asked.

"I just needed to get away from the house that's all." Dante said, trying to defend himself.

"But you still disobeyed. Things got chaotic with the pups earlier shortly after you left, so Dylan and Dolly couldn't leave to bring you back." Delilah said.

Dante didn't say anything.

"We were told what happen the other day regarding Deepak?" Doug said.

Dante lowered his head, feelings of guilt returning.

"And this isn't the first time you have acted like this." Delilah added.

"I-I know." Dante said, still looking down, unable to look at them.

"Son your world ending obsession and predictions are getting out of hand and it's worrisome, we're scared that you could hurt yourself, especially since you did throw yourself at Hunter when he came back." Doug said, his face expressing concern.

"I-I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.....lose myself." Dante said, the guilt getting worse.

Delilah soften her stern expression.

"We know luv that you are, but regardless we still feel worried. Your father and I discussed this hard and we had to think about this, but-

Delilah took a deep breath

"We decided that all those gothic things you have been collecting, reading, and watching."

Dante looked up suddenly, fear taking over.

"That goes, tomorrow." Delilah said

"WHAT?! Dante said, shocked and in disbelief.

Delilah nodded her head.

"Yes Dante, we don't want you around that stuff anymore, it's messing with your head, and it's not healthy. She said.

"But Delilah please. I've spent years collecting those. I've already been forced to give up my predictions, my identity, and now your taking my stuff? Please don't!" Dante begged.

He looked at his dad, hoping he help him, but he shook his head sadly.

"She's right Dante. We just don't think that stuff is good for you. We want you to be happier and less anxious, and we don't think those things help." Doug said.

Dante's jaw dropped, not even his dad was gonna help. He felt his world was crashing.

"And because you did disobey, you are also grounded, so no leaving the house for a week unless needed ok and no media of any kind." Delilah added.

Dante was in to much shock to even respond at this points. He pulled his ears in distress.

Delilah jumped off the couch and put a paw on Dante's shoulder.

"I'm sorry sweet, we understand this is hard, but we really do feel this is best." She said, trying to comfort him.

Dante snapped out of it a bit and his shocked expression changed into one of anger upon hearing those words.

"Understand? You two couldn't understand, you aren't here most of the time? How can you possibly understand how I feel?" Dante thought bitterly to himself.

In the other room near the stairs, Dolly and Dylan were listening to the conversation. Both looked at each other with concern looks.

They watched as Delilah left the room and walked over to peak through the entrance to the living room where they saw Dante looking down the floor, clearly upset.

Seeing how unhappy Dante was, Doug jumped off the couch to try to console him.

"Oh son please don't be upset, we just want to help you, that's all." Doug said.

He pulled Dante into a hug, hoping to make him feel better, but Dante pulled himself away, giving him a look of anger and feeling of betrayal.

"Just leave me alone please." Dante said walking away.

Doug hung his head, feeling guilty and wondering whether of not they were doing the right thing, meanwhile Dante walked pass Dolly and Dylan. Though he did see them, he didn't want to talk to them and headed upstairs.

Dolly and Dylan watched him before looking at each other again.

"Well I guess that just happen, not looking forward to seeing how he's gonna act during these upcoming days." Dylan said.

"Yeah I don't think it gonna be a smooth sailing." Dolly said.

She watched as Dylan made his way up the stairs to get ready for bed.

But she remained at her spot for a moment longer, her thoughts racing and fearing that their attempts to help their gloomy brother.

Might only make things worse.

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