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"Guys please calm down." Dylan called across the living room.

With a potential storm coming, the pups were all whimpering and seeking cover and comfort from Dolly and Dylan.

"It's gonna be ok. We'll make a fort and I'll tell you all some awesome stories." Dolly reassured.

The pups all seemed to cheer up a bit with the suggestion. Dawkins went all over the room, doing head counts.

"Everyone is present except for Dante." Dawkins told Dylan.

Dylan looked at Dolly.

"He's probably with Elvira. I don't think we need to worry about him. He'll come likely after the storm has passed." Dylan whispered to Dolly.

Dolly just nodded and went into the hall closet to get some extra blankets and pillows for the fort. As she opened the door, she heard a beep from the main door and turned to face it. In a flash, Dante burst from the doggie door.

"Oh hey Dante, didn't exp-"

But Dante just zipped straight past her without a word, not even giving her a glance. Dolly immediately noticed how distressed he looked. He was panting hard, his eyes looked a bit red, as if he had been crying. She heard the basement door open and close.

"Dante?" Dolly said, concerned.

Dylan peeked his head out from living room.

"What's going on? Was that Dante?" He asked.

"Yeah, but something isn't right." Dolly said.

She noticed Deepak near the living room entrance, trying to calm his siblings.

"Deepak, come with me, I need you for a minute." Dolly called out.

Deepak faced her and immediately took notice of her worried expression. Dolly didn't need to even say words to tell him and quietly slipped away from the room to follow her.

"D-Dawkins, take the pups upstairs ok. Dolly and I will be up there as soon as we can." Dylan said.

Dawkins did as instructed and lined everyone up to follow him. Meanwhile Dolly and Deepak went to the basement door and quietly opened it. They took light steps down the stairs and turned the lights on once they reached the bottom. In the furthest corner that was surrounded by some darkness, they saw Dante facing it with his head hanged very low.

"Dante, what's going on? Are you ok?" Dolly gently asked.

There was a long silence before Dante spoke.

"Leave me alone, please." Dante said somberly.

"Dante, look whatever is wrong it's ok, you can tell us." Dolly tried to reassure him.

She attempted to reach out to him.

"I said leave me alone!" Dante yelled, suddenly turning at her and backing into the wall.

Both Dolly and Deepak flinched back a bit. They could see Dante was very anguished and looking like on the verge of tears, but was trying everything to hold back. His tension could practically be felt without the need to touch him.

"Brother please, we just want to help. Your aura is very divided. It's as if a war within you has formed." Deepak stated.

Dolly very slowly approached Dante, trying not to make sudden movements with Deepak doing his usual meow chanting. She gently put a paw on Dante's shoulder and pulled him into a hug, with Deepak rubbing his back. Both of them could feel Dante at first wanting to pull away and resist, but he calmed down just enough and slowly broke down, tears coming down silently. Dolly figured right now wasn't a good time to ask questions.

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