Inside Truth

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Dante and Elvira were both down in the basement of Elvira's family, watching a sci-fi film. Dante wasn't usually use to watching anything outside of horror films, but he's had to adjust with being limited now with what he was allowed to watch, and sci-fi was the next best thing.

But despite the interesting brief synopsis Elvira gave earlier, Dante struggled to watch, even looking directly at the screen. His mind was still focused on Portia and the book.

"Come on, you can't hold it off forever. Say something to her!"

But at the same time he just couldn't bring himself to ask her to go to Portia's Not Party. Elvira wanted nothing else to do with her, as Portia's treatment towards her had clearly hurt her. Asking her to go just so Juday would feel like betraying her.

"She would likely feel used, even if I told her about Portia's book." Dante thought.

And as much as Dante was curious about the book, something else stirred in him that made him feel as though he probably didn't want the book as much as he thinks he does. He looked over at Elvira, she seemed pretty fixated on the movie. Dante was admittedly glad as he didn't feel like talking about the situation. He couldn't deny anymore that she has changed his life, nor could he deny that he cared for her and that she was his friend, and Dante didn't want to let her friendship go. He wanted her in his life.

But why did Dante feel that it was more than just his friendship with her?

Elvira had gotten them both some rawhide-free chewing bones for them while they watched the movie. Unfortunately Dante felt so uneasy in his stomach that even chewing the bone made him feel like getting sick; he only managed a few licks at a time.

Nothing can keep his mind off from the war within his heart. He never felt so conflicted in his life. 

After what felt like hours on hours, the movie finally came to an end.

"So how did you like it?" Elvira asked.

Dante was quiet

"Dante?" Elvira called.

"Huh?" Dante shook his head. "Sorry getting a bit tired, it was good."

He really didn't pay attention.

"Well there is a sequel to this movie, and it's pretty good. You up for that one as well?" Elvira asked.

"Uhhh I probably need to go on back home soon." Dante said.

In truth he wasn't really busy and thinking about it again, he wasn't certain if he wanted to leave either.

He knew Portia was likely out there waiting on him.

"Well I had fun though today. Shall we hang out tomorrow?" Elvira asked.

Dante was a bit hesitant.
"S-Sure." He said.

He followed her upstairs. From within, he felt a losing battle.

"You are giving it up?!"

"I can't." Dante said silently to himself.

"Think about this?! You might not get another opportunity!"

"She's too important to me." Dante said.


He and Elvira reached the door. Elvira turned to him and hugged him. Dante for a temporary time felt his body relax in her embrace and he put an arm around her. This time, he found himself not wanting to let her go. He felt as though they could stay like this forever; she slowly pulled herself away and looked at him, her kind eyes and perky smile looking back at him.

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