Fight or Flight?

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The night had fallen, everything was quiet in the Dalmatian house. Everyone was tucked in bed after a long day, sleeping peacefully during a beautiful night.

Except one.

Dante tossed and turned, unable to ease his body, his mind taken over of thoughts about Elvira.

"How could I let this happen?! I swore never to do it!" Dante thought, feeling angry at himself.

And scared.

He opened his eyes into a void of darkness. Dante got up and looked around, having a bad feeling.

"Oh dog, you really have lost your way!"

Dante turned and faced the sound of the familiar voice that sounded like his own, and out from the shadows came out his worse self.


He still had that unnerving grin.

"I knew that Elvira was bad news. Now look at what's happen! You? in love!?"

Dante just looked down, unable to look himself in the face.

"I didn't mean to, I never thought I would." Dante said.

"And yet here we are. Let me suggest this to you again, I advise you listen this time." Dantastico said.

Dante's raised his head up, immediately knowing what he was gonna say.

"I can't just do that to her! She's..." Dante paused briefly. "My friend. I can't just abandon her like that!" Dante yelled.

"Why not?" Dantastico said.

"She doesn't deserve that! She's been there for me more than anyone has for me in a long time. I care about her and how she would feel if I did that." Dante explained.

Dantastico's grin just widen more.

"Ha...haha." He started laughing. "Hahahahaha!"

Dante's face of nervousness changed to one of anger and confusion as he heard himself.

"I know why, because you are possibly considering being in a relationship with her!" Dantastico assumed.

"What no! It's no-

"What a joke this is, hahahaha!" Dantastico laughed.

Dante was in silence as he tried to think of what to say. He had only just come to the realization that he loved Elvira. He didn't feel prepared on what to do, he had sworn to never fall in love, to be with anyone, it was pointless. What good could come out of it?

"If you don't try something due to fear, you can miss out on something really great."

The words Dolly told him a couple days back was echoing in his head.

"Not everything is bad, there are reasons why many things can be joyful."

Would it be all that bad?

For a moment he felt his fear leave him for a moment and he thought of Elvira. Her smiling face, her energetic, yet calm disposition; it was almost like she was there embracing him

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