Secrets Underneath The Layers Part 2

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Dante and Deepak watched as Elvira stood in front of the bushes. She held up her head to survey from where the Scottish Terrier dog had been, it appeared to have left and the cat up the tree seemed more relaxed so she looked back down into the bushes where Deidra was still hiding.

"It's ok Deidra, the dog is gone now." Elvira reassured.

Deidra slowly and cautiously edged herself out, her ears turning in different directions as if to listen in case the dog returned.

"What is going on?! You all stopped watching me and I was about to perform some new tricks!"

Deidra immediately slunk back into the bushes and Dante, Deepak, and Elvira turned their heads to see a very upset Cleo stomping her front paw and scowling hard.

"Relax Cleo." Elvira said calmly albeit a bit annoyed." Deidra just got scared of that other dog's barking towards another cat."

Cleo rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"That cat is afraid of her own shadow. That dog was far away from her, nothing to freak out over." Cleo said dismissively.

"Cleo." Elvira said with a low tone, narrowing her eyes at her.

As Dante watched, he glanced down at Deepak who was giving Cleo quite a look of disapproval.

"That's easy for you to say, you're not a small cat like Deidra. How would you like it if something bigger came after you like some toy?" Deepak said scoldingly.

Cleo glanced at him with a somewhat bored look.

"It was over there, WAY over there." Cleo reminded, pointing her paw at the tree where the other cat was. "I doubt it would have noticed her, especially since she keeps hiding in the bushes."

Deepak stomped his foot as well.

"That still doesn't change the fact that she saw a fellow cat being chase. You must learn to see things the way cats see us dogs an-"

Deepak was interrupted by Dante who stuck his paw in front of him and shaking his head. Deepak reluctantly and heavy heartily backed down.

"Cleo just go back over to your stuff ok, I'll be back over in a bit." Elvira said firmly.

Cleo scoffed and walked back to her equipment. Elvira turned back at Deidra.

Alright you can come out now." She said.

Deidra had tears in her eyes.

"I-I want to go h-home." The kitten cried.

Elvira frowned.

"Listen Deidra I promise you're safe ok." Elvira reassured.

"B-but." Deidra said.

Elvira extended her paw out and cupped Deidra's cheek who held on to her paw with her own, her tears flowing. Elvira reached out a bit and pulled Deidra out from the bushes slowly and gently and into a hug.

"I know you're scared Deidra, but I know you can do this and if anyone tried to hurt you, you know I protect you." Elvira continued to reassure.

From the sides, Dante and Deepak watched in amazement, but Dante was especially intrigued. Elvira could be quite energetic, mischievous, and had quite a strong love for the gothic horrors and terrifying unknowns, yet when it came to Deidra, she was so gentle, patient, and almost motherly to this young kitten she referred to as her little sister and was good at keeping her other sister Cleo in check, if only it was so easy for him to be like this with his siblings. 

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