Having A Talk

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There was an awkward silence in the dining room. All the pups looking at Dante after proclaiming another prediction. Dylan sighed and walked towards Dante.

"Dante please do not start this today, look everything is a mess right now, plus I have more chores to do today, and I really would not like to hear you talking about your predictions and getting everyone rattled up." Dylan said firmly.

"But I have to tell you all my predictions, that's my job, how else are we to prepare for the apocalypse? If I don't say it, I'm not fullf-"

Dylan put his paw on Dante's mouth to keep him from talking."

"No buts Dante, for once could you go a day without making a scene in the house?"

Dylan suddenly felt a paw on his shoulder, he turned to see Dolly with a concerned look on her face.

"Hey Dylan why don't you and me go into the other room and have a talk real quick, excuse us Dante." Dolly said pulling Dylan into the kitchen. "Dawkins, you're in charge." She yelled.

"Oh kibbles." Dawkins said unamused, bracing himself as his siblings dog piled him.

Dolly and Dylan sat alone in the kitchen facing each other.

"What's wrong Dolly what are you needing to talk about? Dylan asked confused.

"Look Dylan I get Dante's predictions can be annoying, but I think you need to be careful about brushing off now." Dolly stated.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Well you remember how Dante acted when Hunter returned, how happy he was?"

Dylan thought for a moment and suddenly remembered what she was talking about. The day Hunter returned, the Dalmatian family saw a side of Dante they never seen before, he was happy, and not just happy he was extremely giddy to the point where he lost it and in his insanity went straight towards Hunter, letting himself get captured. Dolly and Dylan were forced to face Hunter and his cat Cuddles to rescue their gothic brother.

Dylan lowered his ears. "Yeah I remember, so what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we probably need to be careful around Dante and not brush him off. I think it's time we start helping him improve. I don't want him acting like that again and possibly getting himself hurt, I don't know why he acts this way but I think it our jobs to try and help him, for his sake." Dolly said

Dylan thought about it for a moment and nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah your right, he needs us, if we don't do something for him, then he might get worse. Plus it doesn't do go for us to apologize for not listening and then go back to brushing him off, so what do you suggest? He asked.

Dolly pulled him closer and whispered into his ear.

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