Thrill Seeking

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Dante stood outside the old cabin, having just watched Elvira run inside after telling him it could be haunted, and now he felt unsure what to do.

"Argh I tried to warn her, she's probably dead by now, not my fault she didn't listen." Dante tried to tell himself.

But something was still urging him to follow her. 

Dante shook his head to the feeling.

"Why should I go doom myself just cause she made a poor choice?" He asked.

The feeling grew stronger.

"Maybe I can at least go get help." Dante suggested.

But no matter how he tried, in spite in all his cynicism and feeling of hopelessness, Dante knew deep in his heart he didn't have it in him to leave her. 

"Sigh" curse my good conscious, I guess I should go get her, and besides if something does happen at least I can say "I told you so." Dante told himself.

Taking a deep breath, he slipped through the hole that Elvira had entered and entered a dark living room where Elvira was waiting.

"There you are, I was starting to think you ran home with your tail between your legs, hee hee." Elvira said giggling.

Dante rolled his eyes at her comment.

"Someone has to make sure you don't unleash a curse on everyone." He said.

Elvira just smiled, unfazed.

Dante began to explore the living room. There were lots of old antiques around the place like old pottery and glasses on the shelves. A lot of the furniture was pretty worn looking, with most of the wooden stuff being broken or rotted looking, possibly from termites and water damage and then there was a old red couch up against the wall that had tears through it and stuffing hanging through.

"This place is so neat looking." Elvira said, jumping on the couch.

Dust began to fly off from the impact and flew right up Dante's nose.

"Achoo!" Dante sneezed, mucus flying out.

"And dusty "sniff." He said, wiping his nose.

Looking around more, the room gave off a eery feeling and silence and there weren't many windows to this place and the ones that it did have had curtains in front of them, giving little light in the room; Dante could only imagine what visiting this place at night would feel like.

He thought about Elvira's story.

"Please tell me you brought anything for warding off angry spirits." Dante asked Elvira, who was still exploring on the couch.

"Sorry left those at home, tee hee." Elvira said with that little giggle again.

"Great......." Dante said unamused. "Guess we're doomed."

He looked over at a old shelving area full of pictures and walked over to it. Most of the pictures were animals, such as deer, foxes, squirrels, and even skunks. Dante concluded these were the animals that the couple had cared for.

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