Had a Good Time

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Sundown was beginning to set in Camden and Dante and Elvira were still at the park playing. After playing on the slide earlier, they both moved on to the monkey bars where Elvira was trying to grip the bars and swing across. She jumped up grabbed the first bar, but her paws quickly lost grip.


Elvira fell onto the mulch, landing on her rear before falling onto her back.

Dante watched from the sidelines, shaking his head in amusement. He had been watching her try to grip the monkey bars for the past 10 minutes after telling her she couldn't do it since her paws were a bit too small, each time failing and not even getting past the first bar, but she was determined. She climbed up again and attempted to jump, but quickly lost her foot and landed on the ground.

"Ok I  give up." She said, accepting defeat.

"Told you you weren't gonna be able to do it." Dante teased a bit.

He walked over and helped her up, her fur now having mulch stuck to it, Elvira shook her body and dusted off her body to remove it. She could see Dante giving a smug look.

"Ok fine you were right, happy?" She admitted, taking a bit of mulch from the pink part of her ears and flicking it at him playfully.

"And it took you falling over a hundred times to eventually say it." Dante continued to tease.

"I like to see you try." Elvira said, trying to tempt him.

"Very well." Dante said.

He made his way up the stairs and onto the ledge and jumped up. With his paws being a little bigger, he managed to grab hold of the first bar and swung himself and grabbed the second. Despite being one of the older and bigger pups, Dante wasn't exactly strong and he could already feel his arms tiring. He swung himself again to try to grab the third bar but lost grip before he could reach.

"Oof." Dante said, landing directly on his back.

"Are you ok?!" Elvira said in shock.

"Ugh I'm fine." Dante groaned, luckily the mulch made the landing less painful. Elvira helped pull him up.

"Sorry I shouldn't have edged you on." Elvira said, feeling guilt.

"Eh don't worry about it and I sorta did the same thing anyway." Dante said, a smug smile returning to his face. "Besides I did make it further than you." He bragged.

Elvira playfully punched his shoulder upon seeing his smile. Dante dusted himself, wanting to remove as much dirt and mulch as possible, the last thing he wanted was Dylan trying to disinfect and bathe him from being at a playground. He looked back at Elvira who was looking around the park and stopped at the sundown giving a smile.

"Sun is almost down, I love to be here at night, it feels like the place a horror film figure would chase someone in, honestly be a great prank to pull on someone." Elvira said, her expression becoming a little mischievous,

"You sure like to scare people, I haven't forgotten your little prank back at the cabin." Dante mentioned. "What kinda prank would you do, a ghost?

Elvira shook her head.

"Nope a zombie dog, complete with fake blood, scratches, fake bones sticking out, and some fur dye to look like a rotting corpse." Elvira said, getting a bit giddy.

Dante just gave her wide eyes, looking amazed by her idea.

"That's quite a prank to pull, who would you pull it on though, kids usually aren't here at night?" Dante questioned.

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