Chapter 30

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This made either complete sense or no sense whatsoever but either way I just couldn't process the information that had just been given to me. A war against Heaven and Hell? No, that wasn't right. No one could accept that. Nothing we had experienced added up to result in there being a war. There was no need for one, the only thing I can imagine happening from this is something that even the souls don't deserve. War with death against the dead? It made no sense.

"Jack, are you sure that's true?" I asked, desperately hoping that he'd somehow gotten mixed up along the lines of it all. I had no doubt that the Middle Land would get twisted and involved in this when there was absolute no need for the war, let alone that.

"Absolutely positive," he spoke with the same amount of dread that I felt. I turned to look at Justin and I saw that his face had gone completely pale. I didn't blame him, I could only wonder what I looked like in that moment.

I had no doubt that every organism in Hell had to fight or participate in someway towards this war which I knew, that whatever reason S may have, was pointless.

"Did S even tell you why he's decided to do this?" I asked, getting slightly exasperated. I wanted nothing more than to at the least understand. Jack solemnly shook his head whereas Justin was shaking all over. I knew I had already put him through a lot, maybe the news was too much for him to handle all at once.

He was becoming difficult to watch, I so desperately wanted to comfort him and reassure him that he's already dead so nothing could happen to him but we all knew that wasn't true. He had seen what had happened to Gabe and I had no intentions of telling him that it was possible for it to get worse than that. Instead I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and looked at him with genuine concern to silently gesture that I was worried about him. He quickly snapped his gaze in my direction and stared at me with wide eyes. Slowly he shook his head without blinking, in such a way that I almost got the slightest bit creeped out by it.

"Justin, we don't know enough about this war to be too scared of it yet, okay? Something might happen to prevent it and things might stay okay," I tried to say something that could help but rather than that I just spoke words that I knew made no sense to the ear.

Rather than even smiling thankfully and acknowledging my attempt, he stood up and lifelessy wondered to a random part of the vast field to be alone. Jack and I just watched him as he lead himself away and collapsed on the ground, almost sobbing. He just sat there, head in his hands.

"I don't want to leave him on his own, that scares me," I whispered, hugging myself because for whatever reason I began to feel cold.

I was feeling cold.

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. There was no weather down here, the temperature stayed the same and with the patches of fire that littered parts of the ground in places, I didn't understand how I could possibly have felt cold. I decided to ignore it and just stand up, making my way over to Justin. I dragged my feet along the long grass that appeared black under the light it was masked in, reflecting all of our moods. I hovered over Justin's crouching figure, no expression lingereing on my face anymore. I didn't want to show what I was feeling in case I'd end up feeling too much and so I'd be in the same position as Justin.

I knelt down beside him and carefully pulled his hands away so that he could look at me. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming bus. I began running my thumb over his hand.

"Please talk to me," I said softly.

His gaze didn't shift, it was like he was frozen and too scared to move. I couldn't comprehend just why the word of war frightened him so much. I hated this too but maybe not quite to the extent that he was displaying.

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