Chapter 15

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The walk along the empty hallway was no different to walking down the floor below except I had light to guide me forward. I hadn't heard a sound from the other side of either walls to indicate that Justin or Jack were there.

I trudged along, not caring about loosing track of time anymore. I had been walking for so long that I had come up with all theories possible for each and every single one of the questions that were swimming through my mind although there was one question that stood out amongst the rest and I wasn't sure if I were afraid of the answer or not; what happens next?

I was also scared that Vic was going to harm himself again soon if I weren't there to comfort him and provide him the support he deserves. If he did I would know, the blood would reappear on my wrists and forearms but it could happen at any moment, a moment that I may not be able to tend to his wounded heart. It troubled me that he felt so strongly nothing but hatred towards himself, I wanted to stop it. If I knew what he looked like I would be able to know for certain that a beautiful face matched the beautiful voice that haunted my thoughts every second I'm awake, no doubt whilst I slept too. I believed that he was perfect in every way but he just couldn't see it, no matter what mistakes he may have made the love he directed towards his brother repaid for all his sins, he was an Angel after all. He had made it to Heaven. It was when I thought about the fact he was there it made me regret leaving all those hundreds of years ago.

My emotions were quickly developing towards Vic, what they were becoming I was yet to realise. It wasn't an affectionate passion, I didn't know him long enough for me to be overcome by such feelings although I by no means would deny them if by some miracle I did feel that way for him. I was just confused that I was willing to do so much for him, neither of us knew each other and yet I had never even come close to caring for someone like the way I cared for him. The thought of him scarring himself just left a scar on my nonexistent heart.

I was beginning to get paranoid, worried that he'd harm himself now that he could possibly be alone. I couldn't afford to let him delve into the depths of solitude whilst I was venturing even if it was for his own benefit.

My decision was made, I wanted to contact him again to rest my hectic mind. I figured that it would still be a long period of time before I found Mike or at least that's if I found him, it could be Justin or Jack. Maybe Mike wasn't even down any of the three corridors but I had confidence that he was.

I replayed Vic's words in my mind so that I could focus on his voice. I tried to not let his pleas and cries repeat because it created a great feeling of sorrow to hear him that way, not knowing if I was completely capable of stopping those thoughts of his. I remembered his story of his friend Tony and his little turtle, smiling to myself at the happy tone in his voice when he told me the little event.

I let myself focus on his voice for a lot longer than it should have taken but not once did I get the slightest hint of any kind of response. Panic was attempting to rise within me but I suppressed the feeling and tried not to think about why it could've been. Vic was in no trouble, no trouble whatsoever. He was fine, Kellin, just fine. He must have a perfectly reasonable explanation to not answering you, it may have not even have been his fault.

The worry faded. My gaze was fixed to the ground and I was beginning to feel thirsty, my pace began to slow down until I came to a complete stop when I saw a pair of feet in front of mine, toes almost touching. The only thing stopping us from connecting was a thin, clear wall of water going upwards like a waterfall to the ceiling. I looked up at who the mystery person was. When I saw him my eyes widened to the point that I thought they'd pop out of my skull.

"What..," I breathed, in complete shock. I was looking at myself. It wasn't a mirror because he wasn't mimicking my actions. I could tell that if the water was taken away he'd still be standing there as his own person, he wasn't my reflection.

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