chapter seven - child of magic

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          DESPITE HER LAYING in the infirmary, Tantalus assigned Estella, Percy, and Annabeth kitchen patrol. The Apollo campers told her to not mind him and rest while she healed.

The campers had never seen anything like it. No camper at Camp Half-Blood had the power to teleport. Estella thought that was kind of odd, given they were children of gods. How did one not have that power?

Julia and Alice visited her for a few moments, completely dumbfounded with the girl. They repeated how awesome it was she could teleport until one of the medics had to kick them out for being so disruptive. Estella was thankful since they gave her a headache.

Estella was more concerned about when Percy and Annabeth would arrive. The sun set and their kitchen duties were over soon. She wanted to hear about what happened with the birds, as well as see how they were.

"Estella, you have visitors," a young boy named Will Solace told. The two talked a bit when Estella became conscious and she found out that he was a healer in training. He was only eleven, and Estella was impressed at that.

"Thanks, Will," Estella said.

She sat up, fiddling her thumbs as the two people she waited for walked in.

"Hey," Percy said softly as he sat on the edge of her bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. I feel better now. How was kitchen duty?" Estella asked.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Don't get me started. Tantalus has cobwebs for brains."

"He's just mad he didn't sense that something was wrong," Estella said.

Percy and Annabeth looked between each other. Estella noticed.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Annabeth and I found a solution to the problem with Thalia's pine tree," Percy started.

"The Golden Fleece, located in the Sea of Monsters. It has the power to bring life to anything it touches and for miles around it. This was what Chiron talked about," Annabeth continued.

"The Sea of what?" Estella squeaked.

"The Sea of Monsters. It's where the fleece will be, on the Cyclops Polymephus' island. It used to be located in the Mediterranean, but now it's in the northeast of Florida in—"

"—The Bermuda Triangle. Geez, guys, this sounds like a dangerous trip," Estella said.

"We still have to get permission from Tantalus. We were thinking about doing it at the bonfire, in front of everyone," Percy told.

"Is it just you two going?"

Percy and Annabeth looked at each other.

"We were thinking of bringing you, Stella, but I'm not sure since you aren't claimed and you're inexperienced," Annabeth said truthfully.

Estella wished she knew both of them for as long as they knew each other. Although it was only a year, in demigod language that was a long time. They already went on a quest and experienced a lifetime of danger together.

"Oh, okay. That's okay," Estella said, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Anyways, we wanted to get you out of here so you can experience your first bonfire, since you like skipping out on them," Percy said as he nudged her shoulder.

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