n o t e t w e n t y o n e

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look away, look away, look away, look away, look away

a chant that couldn't leave his head as he sat in the lecture hall. he could feel their eyes, he could feel them judging him

the attention was disgusting, the attention made him sick, it made him so sick. why did she have to take a liking to him

"oh jungwoo~" the voice sent a shiver down his spine. why couldn't he just leave his lectures peacefully..

"i bought some strawberry milk for you" she placed the drink in front of him

he nodded slowly looking down to his hands

"why aren't you talking? you have a cute voice"

he blinked profusely, why would she care? he continued to remain silent making her more and more annoyed

"jungwoo. at least say hi to me, it's very rude of you to not greet me"

"jung hwan. can you just not right now? i'm trying to read a very important email and your chattering is too loud." the male complained making her roll her eyes

"sorry sunbaenim. i'll be quieter.." she said with her iconic angelic smile before waving to jungwoo and leaving the room

the blue hair huffed before thanking and bowing the older and leaving the room as well after taking cautious measures to make sure she wasn't waiting outside for him

the strawberry milk placed in the front pocket of his bag

whispers filled up the hall as he passed by making him feel extremely anxious. look away.. look away.. look away..

please look away..

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now