f i n

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welcome to the end of the stalking of look away!

hopefully i didn't cause any fear among you, although there isn't much to fear in this book tbh, it's not that scary. if anything it wasn't intended to be anything too scary to the point where i'd make a toddler cry. 

i enjoyed writing this book a lot, it was my pride and joy and was my outlet to write something that wasn't romance and sappy stuff like every american drama ever. if you enjoyed this book as much as i did then thank you!

i really appreciate the small support that i earned from this fic, you all have a habit of adding this to reading lists over and over again. like my entire notification center was just of someone adding this book to their reading list lmao.

but anyways thank you again for reading this fic, if you're interested in anything else from my writing you can look through my current (as of august 18th, 2021) library of books that i've either finished or are writing as of right now. again thank you! i love you!

signing off,

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now