n o t e s i x t y f o u r

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unhinging his window open, he held securely onto the window sill. staring emptily at the night view, finding no joy that he used to experience. taking a deep inhale, the fresh chill air filled his lungs making him suddenly gasp out and choke. 

everything hitting him like a storm causing a sudden collapse from him. with hands shaking immensely and a blurry vision, he turned to stare at the door. "i know you're there."

"ah jungwoo hyung, i'm going out! lock the door, i'll be home by tonight so make sure to take care of yourself. if you need anything call me or yuta and sicheng hyung" the male announced loudly. hearing a barely loud enough response he left through the door

it wasn't safe for him to leave his room, he knew that vividly. locking the dorm door was useless. its flimsy lock was easy to meddle with, he knew it first handedly. there was no reason to leave to lock a door that couldn't keep him safe.

calling anyone when he needed them the most would've failed him as well, a simple misclick and the call would be over. he wasn't safe and he knew it since the first letter.

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now