n o t e f i f t y t w o

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"how was it?" the male asked, stood outside the building for the blue hair. nodding slightly the older smiled. "your sessions are every 2 weeks so keep that in mind." he nodded again, still having his head stuck on the same topic. 

walking on the side of the sidewalk, "i'll drop you at your dorm, i have some things to do." he smiled warmly towards the blue haired. a wave of insecurity ran over him, as he sat in the car with the older. familiarity of the feeling coursed through him. 

each one of the late males flashed through his head, all his joyous moments, all his memories. he missed them, he missed them so much. he'd do anything for them to be alive again holding him close. he missed the warmth, he missed his friends. 

all of the events gathering and gathering till it fucked up his head. basically gravitating away from his body in the moment. he continued to wander and wander till he was softly shook, "hey we're here jungwoo. i'll see you later?" he stared sincerely to the male. nodding he took his leave, still not fully in his body within the moment. 

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now