n o t e f i f t y f i v e

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"jaehyun hyung, do you think the other hyungs would've been happy." his empty stare buried into the mind of the older. an awkward chuckle emitted from his lips, "they'd be extremely happy jungwoo, i promise." placing the flowers in front of the pictures, the two of them took a walk out in the campus center. 

the silence that overtook them made the older uncomfortable. something about it was so, eerie to say the least. "you know, they told me a lot about how happy you made them. you truly influenced them." a gentle smile flew across his face. peeking up from the ground for the first time since they left, a hint of shock lingered

"did they really?" a hushed voice came from his lips. nodding towards him, a small smile grew on the other's face. "i wish i could tell them the same." the mood died slightly, but it was understandable. instead of changing it, he continued to let him feel how he wanted, it was for the best either way. 

"oh how unfortunate is this sight."

look away ☄ kim jungwooWhere stories live. Discover now