3. He came to my house

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Adhiti's point of view

When I woke up in the morning, my eyes were red and puffy and my head was hurting like hell. Today I woke up early to make breakfast so I couldn't come across to mummy and I was trying hard to ignore her because  don't know when she will get angry with and shout without any reason.

I don't want any more drama and don't want to fight with my mother. I don't like to fight with her because no matter how bad she treats me, at the end of the day, she is my mother and I love her. So I decided to apologize to her and let go the matter after breakfast but before that I really want that she didn't come across me because I need time to prepare myself. Because I know mummy won't forgive me easily.

I was kneading the dough for paratha when mummy walked inside the kitchen. She took out the milk from the fridge and started making tea for herself, ignoring the tea which I made for everyone.

A wave of pain pass through my heart and I looked at her with hurt but she completely ignore me like I didn't exist for her.

When she didn't pay any attention to me, I lowered my eyelids with hurt and after pushing away my hurting emotions I again started kneading the dough.

"Good morning." I greeted her in almost a whisper but no reply came from her and she continue making her tea.

"I am sorry for the yesterday.  I shouldn't have talked to you back." I said in a very low voice.

I also realized my mistake. Yesterday, I was partially wrong. I shouldn't have talked back to mummy and shouldn't have raised my voice on her.

"After breakfast, do the laundry,  clean whole house and do the alteration some of my saree blouse. When you complete all this, come to my room to massage my legs." After ordering me curtly mummy walked outside the kitchen.

This is what you get when you mess with my mummy. In the 15 years of my life I get one thing, mess with mother and she will mess with you by giving you house chores.

I don't  have any problem to do that but from tomorrow, my school is started and I have to revise all my notes once again because we have tests in school, in many subjects after the vacations.

I have to complete the house chores faster so I could get time for my studies.


It's already a evening and I am done with the laundry and other works which mummy gave me. Now I am in the terrace, taking off the clothes on rope. I skipped my lunch so I could finish my work before mummy scolds me again.

Mummy is still not talking to me. Sometimes I thought, is that really a mother's love towards her children. Sometimes I wonder, why don't I have with mummy like Divya has with her mother. I know her family is not a typical orthodox family like and her parents are really open minded but mother's love would be same, no matter what's the background of the family is!

I was taking off Atul's bhaiya shirt from rop when I heard the similar sound of metal gate open by someone. My heart started beat faster with the possibility of seeing him after five days. My lips curled up into a huge grin, I put the shirt again on rope, carelessly and run towards the railing before I could miss the chance.

When I reached the railing, my eyes were shining due to happiness, body was tickling and my heart was jumping is excitement after seeing him after five days.

It was Dhruv who open the door of his house. He was wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans along with white shoes and the black wrist watch making him more handsome.

I felt little disappoint when I can't able to see his face, because he was wearing a cap, but atleast I am able to see my handsome neighbor after five days.

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