87. The Love we feel

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Aditi's point of view

Night has passed and day has come but Dhruv and I still didn't talk eachother. Well he was trying to get close to me like brushing his hands wuth mine, burning my skin with his continuous gaze, asking me for water or his things but I was the one who was ignoring him.

"Aditi...Does something happen? You looks quite." I came out from my zone when Ritika di asked me.

I was applying oil to her feet. They were swollen and she was having problem in walking so Nitika bhabhi asked me to apply oil to her feet so she could relax and enjoy the function.

"Nothing di, I am fine." I gave her small smile nd looked down while applying the oil on her feet.

"You speak less just like Dhruv. Is that why he fell for you?" Ritika di tease me which made me blush. I just gave her a smile and continue what I was doing.

Yes, I always talked less but whenever I tried to speak my mind I was stopped by elders or get mocked by others. As time assed I learnt how to keep my mouth shut even though I wanted to speak loudly like a free bird. Sometimes it was very difficult to speak out my emotions. But Dhruv understands me without me saying a word. He knows when I was weak, when I need him to cry my heart out. He was always there when I was vulnerable. I started live again since he came back to my life. Life was slowly and steadily turning to beautiful but we still have many hurdles in our path to cross them.


The birthday party has started, guest started coming. I wore a metalic yellow kurti and shurara and tuck my dupatta to my neck. I wore a matching earrings and bangles to enhance my look. When I came to the party hall Dhruv keep looking at me. He didn't remove his eyes from me and I saw longing in his eyes for me. At that time I wanted to ran into his arms and hug him tightly. But we can't and we know that.

The cake was cutted by the little Ishani but Rayansh ruined it for her as he cut the cake before she could, which made her cry. They even started fighting, pulling each other's hair. Eventually their moms has to intrupt and stop their fighting. But after half an hour they were dancing with eachother like they never fight. After having a little snacks everyone started dancing.

Away from all this pair of eyes burning my skin with a hot gaze and creating the goosebumps all over my body. When my eyes met to those beautiful choclate brown eyes, I found myself drowning into them. We both keep looking at each other. I wanted to look away. I wanted to show him that I am mad at him but I can't as if he casted some spell and my eyes were licked to him.

What he was thinking, I don't know but it was definitely creating butterflies in my stomach.

He put his lemonade to the nearest table and my heart race when he started walking towards me. I put my hand on my heart to calm it down but it was still beating faster. He came and stood beside me. I didn't looked to his side, just pretending watching everyone dancing but I can feel his body heat and my mind was yelling at me to look to his side but I was adamant not to give him my attention.

Suddenly I feel his fingers brushed to mine and I feel tingles in my stomach. I was controlling myself not to look his side but he was making it difficult when he intertwined our fingers and came very close to me.

"You look beautiful. I can not take my eyes from you." He whispered in my ear.

He was very close to me that I can feel his hot breath on my ear. My heart felt heavy and my eyes welled uo when I finally turn my face to him and looked at him. His lips were curling into a soft smile, the smile I was missing from past two months. It was there. But what he did to me from past two months it was not acceptable.

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