54. His old friend

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Aditi's point of view

It's been already two days since Dhruv left to his official trip. It's been two days, I saw him last and these two days seems two years to me. I got used to see him everyday but now he is away from me I missed him a lot in these two days and I don't know how would I spend next 12 days without seeing him. I did not receive any letter from his side. I know it's two early to expect any letter from him as he left just two days before but from past two days I waited someone to give me his letter.

The goodbye war really hurting. Though it was temporary but we both have tears in our eyes and when I finally say goodbye to him I cried the whole night. My family still not return from their trip and I don't know where they are and when they would come. The wheat flour they left me was finished a week ago and I don't know how would I survive without food if Dhruv was not there for me. It reminds me how much he cares for me. Our relationship progressed.

Whenever he touched me or kiss me for weird reason his touch don't bring bad memories, infect I feel love and care through his touches. I stunned when he started kissing me on lips, I could not stop him instead I reciprocate his kiss and when I realised it was already late. After that I don't want to stop him. I enjoyed his kisses as much as he enjoyed.

I don't know what is going inside his head. He did not give a name to our relationship though he cleared that we are not just friends. He said we share a special bond but he did not express his feelings towards me. This time, I am not going to express my feelings to him, this he has to take step further if he has something for me in his heart.

I have nothing to loose, I already lost my everything, which no one know. I just have my love for Dhruv and some beautiful moments with him which we created recently. No matter how dark my past was, no matter how my life change in past few years but one thing remains same...

My love for Dhruv, which never going to change till my soul left my body.

I don't know if Dhruv ever going to love or not, my love is enough for both of us but one thing hurt me always these beautiful moments going to end soon. He will leave me eventually like others and I left alone once again. I don't want to think about it to much because I don't know when will I get this much happiness again in my life. I am not asking to much, I just want few more wonderful moments with him to cherish all my life when we will apart and he would move on in his life.

The college siren bring me out from my thoughts and I looked down to my books, which are opened in front of me and I did not turn the page from past thirty minutes lost in my handsome neighbour's thoughts. I have my exams start from tomorrow and they will continue to two weeks. Shasrtri ji told me that there is not much left in my internship and I could continue it after my exams if I want to. For now he asked me to focus on studies.

I picked my books in my hand and leave the library after reissuing them. My mood was already fall as I was missing Dhruv so much it was like he took some part of me with him and it's really getting hard to breathe without seeing him. When I left the library, I was so lost in my thoughts that I bumped into someone and my books fall from my hands. I bent down and started picking my books.

"I am sorry, I didn't see you." The girl apologised and helped me to pick my books.

"It's okay." It wasn't her fault entirely I was also lost in my thoughts.

I picked my books and stood up same as the girl but when I saw the with whom I just bumped I could not believe my eyes. I am seeing her after eight years.

"Hey, I know you..." She had a brought smile on her face when she recognised me.

"Aditi right..?"

I nodded my head in positive, clearing her doubt. When I clear her doubt a huge grin appear on her face.

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