30. The latter-The earing

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Aditi's point of view

I put the grocery bag on the kitchen counter along with the list and money. I palmed my face take a deep breath to control my racing heart. I am tired and exhausted because of non-stop working without any energy source. I didn't have anything since yesterday and now it was feeling like I am going to faint anytime.

Today market was little crowded than the other day. I had to wait for my turn to collect the groceries. I don't know when I was buying the grocery and paid the bill, I felt like, someone was watching me. I have the same feeling also like I have been called by someone many times. My heart was beating faster for a weird reason. I stopped and look for the person but I didn't find anyone. Maybe it was my illusion but I really have the feeling that someone was calling me, Someone was trying to stop me.

I heard the footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I washed my hands and started taking out things from the grocery bag to keep them in their places.

"You are late." Bua ji said in her venomous voice.

"The market has been crowded. I have to wait in a line." I said in a low voice without having any eye contact with her and keep taking out things from the bag.

"Hmm..Did you bring everything? Where is the list and left money?" I pulled out the list and left money under the bag and give that to my Bua ji.

Bua ji took the list and started telly it with things. She always make sure that I don't stole the money from what she gave me for grocery shopping. To make sure she always telly the shopping list with the things I bought for the house.

I bring out the coffee jar from the bag and my mind bring me back to the memory when I bought the coffee jar as a gift for Atul bhiya when he was leaving for his college. I still remember the day like yesterday, how happy I was when I bought that small gift for him and how he forgot about me before leaving. My father slapped me also because of him but I just want a brotherly hug from him before he leave but he never considered me his little sister.

There was time when I adore him and think him as my inspiration. Now I think, how fool I was. That family never loved me. I was just a burden to them. They always think me as an extra person and when the time came, they get rid of me and throw me outside the house like a trash.

I wish you died in a accident.

That was the last words of Atul bhiya. I still remember how hard he slapped me and throw me on the concrete road in the middle of the family, in front of the neighbours.

I gasped when suddenly bua ji snatched the coffee jar from my hand and glared at me.

"Don't you even think to steal this." Bua ji said between her clenched teeth.

How will I steal it when she is going to put a lock in everything. I am not even allowed to use sanity pads. I don't have my own personal inner wears, I used Aahana inner wears when she retired them or throw them. She has a bigger size than me so I had to stich them, make them for my size. Fir my hair and body, I use Aloe Vera, rose, neem leaves. If I got sick, I never tried to treat myself because this is not the life I want to live and I wanted to die from that fever but that never happened.

God also wants me to live in a hell.

I didn't say anything because if I did, she again beat me and torture me. So I decided to keep quiet.

My stomach grumble in a hunger. I didn't have anything from the day before yesterday. My legs and hands are shaking because of less energy. I may faint anytime because of hunger.

"Bua ji, Can I have my dinner earlier? I am hungry and I am not feeling well." I said in my low and weak voice. Because I don't have enough energy to speak or bear any torture from them.

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