1. My handsome Neighbor

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Adhiti's point of view

"Mmmhhh...You made the world's best macaroni, Aadi." I smiled looking at Divya, when she moaned after taking the first morsel of macaroni.

Divya is a bubbly girl and since when she came into my life, I felt like I met my soul sister. We both enjoy each other company very much and never hesitate to talk to anyone. If someone try to being bitch with us we both handle him or her together.

"Divya, these are the books which Atul bhaiya gave it to me to give Nikhil Bhiya." I said while giving her the books.

"Put them on table. Nikhil bhaiya is not at home. I will give them to him when he come back." She said while pointing at her study table behind me while she was busy in eating.

Divya's parents are sitting in the living room with guests, so we decided to go to her room and spend some girls time here un her room. Divya's room is totally girlish with pink walls. She even requested to the landlord of their house to paint her room in pink. In the front wall of bed, there was a huge portrait of her favorite hero, Siddharth Malhotra.

Well that man is really hot and handsome but not more than 'him'.

I got up from the bed and put the books on her study table. I was about to turn when my catch his name, written on maths book. I took the book from table and looked at it with so much emotions in my heart. A warmth fill inside my chest and my heart beats fast when I traced my fingers on his name.


My heart beats fast and I feel something tingle inside my body whenever I whispered his name in my mind. I don't know, when my lips curled into smile when I was looking at his name with adoration.

I hope his all wish come true.

This is the final year of his school and I don't, after school when I will again to see him. Will I ever able to confess my feelings to him? Will he ever come to know about my love for him?

My heart aches whenever I think about it because I know I will never dare to confess my love to him. I always adore him and admire him from afar.

"Oye..Tripathi kha kho gayi?" I came out from my chain of thoughts when Divya's voice ring in my ear.

(Hey, Tripathi where were you lost?)

I put the book back on the table and walked to her. She always use my surname whenever I lost in my thoughts.

"No where Malhotra." I said while using her surname and sit on the bed in front of her.

She grins widely when I called her from her surname. Ofcourse her surname and her favorite hero surname is same.They both are Malhotra and for weird reason Divya think that she somewhere related to Siddharth Malhotra.

I mean seriously?

Sometimes she actually act like we are five years old.

"Hmmm...now tell me, what do you want talk about?" I asked her.

"Nothing important, just wanted to ask you, what should I wear in my cousin wedding next month?" She asked while eating.

"You have so many dresses. Wear any of them." I said with frown.

"No, I think, I should go for shopping and you are going accompany me." She said while pointing her forefinger to me.

"Divya, you know I can't. Papa doesn't like me walking around the city and mummy won't allow me." I said with a feeling of hurt in my heart.

"I don't understand your family yet. You can go outside to buy grocery but you can't go outside for shopping with your friend." Divya said with frown but I chose to keep quiet and lower my head to ignore her questioning eyes because I don't have answers of her questions.

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