57. The old neighbourhood

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Dhruv's point of view

It's been a week since I came to Saharanpur to find out something about Aditi's past still I got nothing in my hand. I met my private investigator and he also did not get anything which could tell us what happened to her that broke her like this.

After that night, when Aditi and I breakdown on phone, I did not send any letter to her. Neither I write for her not I call her after that night. She also did not write anything for me. I asked my man who took her letters from her and used to send me he told me she him not to come because she won't write anything to me anymore.

Maybe she wants some space from me. Our first phone call was tough. It was difficult to share the thing with someone on phone, which may haunted her at nights. What Atul did to her that night was by beyond monsters. He hurt his own sister and I am going to destroy everything for him that he will beg in front of Aditi holding his legs, to forgive him for every single thing he did to hurt her.

Today I have decided to visit our old neighbourhood to find out something about her past from our old neighbours. I stopped my rental car when I reached the same neighbourhood after 8 years. Where Aditi and I have so many memories maybe not together but we still have some happy and sad memories which only she and I could feel.

I parked my car at the one corner of the road and step down from it. I walked on the same road I used to walk to go my school. I looked around to the same neighbourhood I used to live. Everything is same like before. I stood in-front of my rental house where my family used to live, where I have spend three years of my life and find a beautiful girl who used to crazy for me.

I turn to her house and looked towards her balcony, imagining her standing there waiting for me for my one glimpse and I was stupid not to come outside so my Aditi could have see me and smile. Her house has the lock hanging on main gate but it did not stop me from going inside her house. I looked around to check if there is anyone when I find no one I jumped on the wall and entered inside her house.

I have no interest to see all her house. I just wanted to go to her room, I just wanted to see her room which I never see. I took the stairs and reached the first floor where her room was. I ignore the first room which I know was Atul's. If it's in my hand I would out the fire in his and his parents room. I reach6 to her room but it has lock so I pick the heavy flower pot and broke the lock of her room. I opened the door of her room and coughed when some dust flow to my face.

Whole place was covering with dust. It feels like it didn't open in years. Whole house has dust but her room turn into desert. I walked further into her room and gaze around. If Aditi is here she must get shock looking at her room and start cleaning it. It brings grin on my face thinking about her reaction when she visited my house in Lucknow for the first time.

I walked towards the famous window where she used to look at me and waited for me to open my room's window. I opened it and looked outside towards my room. The window of my room was still closed. Now I could feel how she used to feel waiting for me from hours just to get my one glimpse because now I am going through the same stage. From this window my beautiful neighbour used to she. This thought alone is enough to make my heart beats fast.

She is not here but she still is everywhere.

I walked to the pictures, hanging on the wall. There are not many but only few. Some of her pictures which were on the wall are fully covered with dust and spider's web. I removed the dust from her picture and I met with her beautiful eyes, which are looking at me so intensely. I took the dirty cloth and wiped of the dust from her picture. She has a smile on her face but her eyes were reflecting the pain she was hiding. She could hide her pain from everyone but not for me because we both could understand each other's hidden pain.

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