96. The last goodbye

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Author's point of view

A train was stopped at Lucknow junction. A family stepped down from the train with their luggage and two children, one was 3 year old boy and another was 5 month girl who was sleeping in her mum's arms. The grand parents of the children looking all tired. Thay haven't eaten anything from past 17 hours and the hotness in the sleeper coach, feels like a bun in the oven. The family hired a taxi and headed towards their destination.

After almost half an our someone open the lock of the Aditi's bua ji house and the family entered inside it. They removed the white covers from the sofa and settled down on it.

"We reached Lucknow anyhow but we don't have money to eat. At one time we used to live in a villa but now we have to live in your sister's house." The lady said with tears in her eyes.

"Mummy at-least we have roof now." Her son said.

"Atul, you don't even dare to say a word. Because of you we are facing these days." The lady glare to her son.

"Mummy don't start again.." Her son said while greeting his teeth.

"What bhawna ji saying is right. You bring us to road. First your company throw you out from your job and take that villa in Dehradun from us after that you loose all your money in stocks and to pay your debts we have to sell our Saharanpur house and my shop. We don't have any source of income." Atul's father Rajkumar said while glaring at his son.

"Stop blaming me all the time. I was taking care both of you from past five years. Giving you guys all the luxury. All the time you were burden on me. I have to cancel my foreign trips because of you. But now I don't have job and money you started blaming on me?" He stood up on his chair and shouted on his parents.

"What...? What did you say? We are burden on you? We have spent all our savings on your education and full fill all your ask. We tried to give you the best ignoring the fact that we have a daughter." His mother Bhawna also stood up from her chair and shouted on her.

"It was you duty to take care of your children and full fill their every wish and don't blame me for that you ignored Aditi because of me. The truth is you both are a bad parents." He also shouted on her mother.

"That's true Atul we are bad parents that we ignore are only daughter Aditi and focused our only son like you who don't even greatfull towards his parents. If we focused on Aditi instead of you she at-least don't call us burden." His father looked at him with rage.

"You blamed me of what I did but you are forgetting that it was done by your so called daughter's husband. That bloody Dhruv Malhotra is now her husband and because of him we are almost begging on roads. He was behind that I threw out of my job and lost all of my money in stocks. He was the one who convinced the banks to sell your house and shop to full fill the loans and he bought our house behind our backs. He doomed us." he shouted on his father's face.

"You are u...."

"Enough....." Atul's wife Megha stood up from the couch with her 5 months old daughter in her arms. She glared at her in-laws nd her husband who was glaring back at her.

"Stop blaming eachother. You all are facing what you have done to Aditi. Dhruv has done nothing wrong, it's a karma which is biting you back." She glared at all of them.

"Megha you keep your mouth shut.", Atul glared at his wife.

"I won't keep quite today. I have never meet Aditi but I can say that she was ignored by all of you and now her husband is taking revenge from you and in all of this me and my children are suffering." She looked at her family with rage and unshaded tears. She was upset that she married to the man who does not love his sister and thinks his parents burden.

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