37. The childhood friend

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Dhruv's point of view

"Aditi..." I whispered her name but there were no response from her. I pated her cheeks but still she remain silent in my arms. I looked at the beauty lying in my arms unconscious and I don't know how to wake up her.

"Shastri ji.." I shouted Shastri ji's name and with in minute he rushed inside my cabin.

I lifted Aditi in my arms in a bridal style and walked out from the washroom, meeting Shastri ji in a half way.

"What happened to her?" I can see the panic in Shastri ji's face.

"Get the car ready. We need to go to the hospital." Without answering his question I ordered him and walked out from my cabin with my beautiful neighbour in my arms.

Sastri ji nodded his head and then ran out from my cabin while talking on phone, probably my driver, to get the car ready.

As I was walking in the corridor with Aditi in my arms, everyone's attention turns towards me and they all are looking at both of us in shock. But I ignored all the uncomfortable gaze which I was getting from the employees and literally run towards the exit of the building. As I reached the end of the corridor, I saw my car already parked with a driver behind the wheel and Shastri ji was holding the back seat door, open for me.

I sit inside the car with Aditi in my arms and Shastri ji close the door after me and took the passenger seat beside the driver.

"To the hospital, fast." I ordered to the driver but my eyes were still stick to the unconscious Aditi in my arms.

My heart was beating faster than normal. Tears were threatening in my eyes and I was continuously praying to God not let anything happen to her. I have never been this terrified ever in my life not when Yash left me. It was like I stop breathing if something happen to her.

"Fast..." I screamed on my driver and I can feel the tears in my eyes but I can't lose my shit right, I have someone in my arms to take care of. Shastri ji was also shocked with my behaviour but I don't fucking care about anyone, Aditi is more important for me.

As driver stopped the car in front of me I rushed inside the hospital with Aditi in my arms and started screaming for doctors. Soon two paramedics rush towards me along with the doctor. They took Aditi from my arms, laid her on the stretcher, took her inside the room and asked me to wait outside.

I waited outside, till then Shastri ji completed all the hospital formalities. I asked him to go back to the office and he obeyed. I don't know how long I was standing there keep waiting for someone to come outside and tell me she is alright. I can't afford if something happen to her. Fear was crawling inside me and my hands were shaking in anxiety. I don't want my anxiety hit me right now or I get any panic attack. Aditi needs me. I rub my chest with my palm to ease the pain but it was no use because I know what could calm it.

Soon the door open, a lady doctor came outside from the room and I immediately rushed to her.

"Are you the husband of the patient?" Was the first question she asked me and leave me stunned for a second but I consume myself.

"No..we are friends. We both work at same place." I said.

"I need to see her family." Doctor asked me.

"She doesn't live with her family. But you can tell me anything about her." I assured her.

She nodded her head and said, "Okay, come to my cabin. I have something to discuss with you."

I followed her to her cabin and took the seat in front of her. Anxiety was building inside me. I was continuously praying for health of Aditi. She is the only hope in my life and I don't want to lose her at any cost.

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