64. Blessings

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Dhruv's point of view


This is the bond not just between two bodies but two souls and this bond become beautiful when they both souls are in love with each other.

A great marriage is not when two perfect people  come together but a great marriage is when two imperfect people learns to enjoy their differences.

For me I wasn't both because I was that person who didn't enjoy anyone's company.

I have never think in my life I ever get married to someone, especially the girl who used to live in front of my house and had a little crush on me.

That girl is now sleeping beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. She has tears strains on her cheeks and her hair are messy.

I don't have any intentions to marry her forcefully but I don't have any other option to save her. I can not afford living her with that monsters for a single moment, not just them but anywhere away from me.

I wiped the tears from her eyes which she shed in her sleep but it was wrong move from my side as she awaken up and looked up to me from my shoulder. She set up immediately and sit away from me. She looked away outside the window while tucking her messy strands. That lady who came with us, we dropped her on the gas station where her boyfriend was already waiting for her. Raghav and I didn't share a word in whole journey. At least he knows where to keep silent because I really need that.

Raghav stopped the car in front of Nikhil's house and step down from the car. It's already night. Whole house was decorated with lights and garlands. I know the reason behind it.

"Why are we here?" Aditi asked me fearfully.

"It's time to take blessings." I hated my tone when I answered her question in a flat tone. I hold her hand and make her step down from the car.


I entered the living hall with Aditi and Raghav was following us from behind.
Living hall was all empty as I expected. Engagement was scheduled at noon and I was marrying with Aditi by the time everyone was waiting for me to arrive here for my engagement.

"Dhruv, beta where were you I asked Nik...." Mummy stopped on her track when she saw Aditi with me. Nit just her but everyone was looking at with shocking eyes. Priya has her eyes wide open with shock and tears in them.

Aditi and I both are wearing the Jaimala (flower garlands). Her dupatta was tying with mine in a gathbandhan. Our joint hand can tell rest of the story.

Priya slowly walked to us with tears in her eyes and I was looking at every move of her. She eyed Aditi's and mine joining hands which made me intertwined my fingers with Aditi and made glare at her.

Her eyes went back to mine but this time I don't have any sympathy for her. She bring this herself to her even after I messaged her this morning to forget about our engagement but she dared to threatened me with the deal.

"Why..?" She asked.

"I never loved you." I whispered through my greeted teeth while glaring at her.

She glared at Aditi and clenched her jaw and hands.



She make a rage full move towards Aditi which startled her. I came between them and Aditi hide behind me.

"Don't you dare to touch her this time. I am aware what you have done to her in college. If you have some self respect then leave." I said through my greeted teeth.

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