12. Saying the apologies-I

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Aditi's point of view

People says when you love someone, You want be with your partner in his ups and downs. You want to be the one who hold his hands in every phase of life. You take all his pain and sorrow and give your happiness but why someone take a slap which was meant to be you? Why someone protect you when he wasn't in love with you?

These are the questions which I want to ask Dhruv. Why he stood like a wall between me and my mother and save me from mummy's slap? Why he took that slap which was meant to me. Other than just a neighbor and her sister's friend, I am nothing to him then why every time I looked into his eyes, I saw concern in his eyes for me? Why his eyes always fill with pain and when he looked at me with concern why I feel like he can understand my pain and can feel it like he was going through the same pain as me?

Why is he so complicated to understand?

After Dhruv left that day, mummy scold me when we go inside the house. She blamed me that because of me Dhruv got the slap mistakenly. Papa also scolded me for that. That day, mummy didn't gave me dinner and I cried till sleep engulfed in it's warm embrace.

Next day when I woke up, my whole mind was fill with Dhruv's thoughts and his unexpected action. Many questions are buzzing inside my head and I know, I never get the answers of my questions.

I decided to apologize to Dhruv for mummy's behavior. He must feel hurt. I know the feeling when an adult kid get the slap from elders and the feeling was worse when the elder was from outsider. I decided to make macaroni, his favorite dish from my hand and will ask him his forgiveness.

I came out from my thoughts when the boiling tea sound reached my ears . I looked down into the tea pot and tea was ready to come out from the pot. I turned the stove knob and switched off the gas. I severed the tea in four cups along with few snacks and walked towards livingroom with tray in my hand.

I greeted the guests and severed the tea and snacks to our guests and my parents. After I reached home after school, I saw the car parked, infront of our house. Mummy came to me and asked me to prepare some snacks and tea for the guests. Papa's sister, my bua ji, Shital bua ji and her husband came to our house to give the invitation card for her daughter's marriage.

When I gave the cup to bua ji she looked at me with disgust like I have plague and took the cup from me without looking at me. She lives in Luckhnow with her family and visits us thrice in the year. Bua ji doesn't like me because of mummy and papa. She knows how mummy and papa wants another son but they have me instead. I also don't like Bua ji because she is money hungry woman. She always took expensive gifts from my parents and mummy papa also gave her thousands of money whenever she visits us.

My bua ji and my uncle are not financially stable like us and for that she is jealous from my mother and taunts mummy whenever she gets the chance. I don't like her behavior towards my parents. If it's in my hand I never allowed her inside my house. But as I say 'if'.

As bua ji take a sip she make a face like she tasted a poison.

"Is that you call a tea? My maid make better tea than you. Bhiya your daughter is worthless." Bua ji said while glaring at me. I looked at mummy for help but mummy and papa are already glaring at me.

"Well.. Bhiya, I agree with Sheetal, even the snacks are extra salty." My uncle said looking at Papa whuch earn me murderous look from papa.

My uncle are not less that my bua ji. He is worst than her wife. I must not say but my bua ji and her husband are pretty much gold diggers.

"I tasted the tea and as well as snacks. They are perfectly fine." I fire back but politely.

"See bhiya, how she is talking back to her elders. She didn't have manners to talk to her elders. Girls in our family didn't even look into eyes of their elders but look at her, shameless girl." Bua ji said while looking at me with disgust.

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