Chapter 10

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Alex sensed a person before it was late. He pretended to sleep but had his hands on the bedside lamp. When he was finally sure, he took action. He grabbed the lamp from the bedside table and hit whoever was at the back, but that person dodged and fell on the couch.

Alex quickly grabbed the phone and called Andrew "SOMEONE'S ATTACKING ME HERE! ANDREW COME QUICKLY!" He shouted and seemed as if he was the complete opposite of his nature instead of being shy, he was brave and fierce.

Meanwhile, the person got up from the couch and tried to chloroform Alex, only to have him thrown the cloth away with force. That person hit Alex in the stomach, grabbed the other lamp from the bedside table, and hit Alex again, but luckily, Alex didn't fall unconscious and before he could give Alex another hit was too late.

Andrew came, grabbed the huge metal pencil holder that held a million and one pens, and hit that guy till he lost consciousness. A bunch of pens also fell on the ground, making Alex's room chaotic.

"I am very tired" Alex had always suffered from weakness. He sat on the couch shocked, with zero mental and physical energy.

"Alex, I called the police, they are on the way, but WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS?"Andrew asked.

"Andrew, it's related to my past, she is back, she really is back," he said...expressionless but shocked and feeling lost.

As Andrew offered Alex water the police arrived, Andrew told the officer that the person was trying to knock Alex out and the police arrested the unconscious person and a constable took him outside. 

"Hi my name is Sunny Dixon and you must be Mr.?" Sunny asked.

Andrew spoke on behalf of shocked and confused Alex "I am his manager Andrew Black and as you can see, he is not in the right condition right now so I suggest you ask him later and as for me, I was reading when I got a call. Alex was asking for help and I called the police and when I came I found that guy hitting Alex so I hit him with the pencil holder and the rest is, it's pretty clear." Andrew narrated his side of the story.

"Sir, we need to do this in detail and also you seem to have an idea of what happened, but it's completely okay if you take your time if you aren't in the right condition to talk so I shall wait outside till you are ready," Andrew told Sunny to wait in the living room.

"She is back, *sights* she is back I have no idea what more destruction she wants to do! All I know is that she is back, and I highly doubt it's Cherlyn! I swear I will punish her this time, last time when I tried, I neither had evidence nor the power to punish her, but this time I have got nothing to lose. She made the mistake of coming back! SHE WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING, SHE WILL HAVE TO." Alex said with misty-eyes and a tired voice.

"But what do we tell the police?"

"I will handle this by myself and don't expect me to be weak this time. I have been suffering day and night for the LAST 3 years and I will tell the police whatever I have to, she is done for she seriously is!"

Alex went outside and talked to the police.

"Hi my name is Alexander Carson, I own a jewelry making company, and this guy you just arrested is actually a friend of mine, very, very aggressive he runs an insurance company, we had an argument about my jewelry earlier today, and because of his AGGRESSION he just came to kidnap me and teach me a lesson."

"And then?" Sunny asked.

"We were in the room to do some paperwork he attacked from the back and he had a small fight, that's it."

"Don't you find it weird that you and your friend had a fight and your manager who lives in your house calls the police instead of sorting things out?" The story he cooked up was enough to fool a man, but not a police officer.

"Oh Andrew, you see he is very protective of me and when I called him for help, he just immediately called the police without thinking twice." Alex clarified while making sure not to make a plot hole.

"Ok, but did your manager knew that it was this guy what his name, by the way?"

"His name is Adams Delaware," It was the only name he could think of which wasn't John Smith. "And I would like to withdraw the complaint because he is my friend, thank you," Alex said ignoring Sunny's question.

"Okay, I will release him after all the paperwork but are you sure you would like to release him, this is a serious crime with at least 3 charges." Sunny asked.

"Yes and don't worry, he won't do it again." Sunny was smart, but not smart enough to understand that this was a cooked-up story, such a rookie.

Sunny instructed one of his constables to release Adams. Adams was still not fully awake.

"Your friend just released you, thank the almighty, and also this much aggression isn't a good thing," Sunny said, but Adams smiled at him and left.

The juicy part of the plan begins.

Earlier that night, while Alex and Andrew were in the room, Alex had already recited his plan to Andrew. "Andrew, listen to me carefully! I will go downstairs.... and I'll ask the police to release that guy who is JUST a pawn in the plan. This release is unexpected, this whole police thing is unexpected, so he WILL contact her somehow. My experience says that she is smart enough to make sure the cat's still in the bag, even if one of her pawns get caught."

"I don't quite understand, how do we get information through or out of the guy who just got arrested?" Andrew asked.

"That's what I meant. She won't let the cat out of the bag so easily. Her pawns only know the WHAT and the HOW, and not the WHY meaning that person doesn't know much. We don't know what this person would do after he gets released but all I know is that we need this guy to get information, so after he gets released just watch his moves carefully and when you feel you have stalked enough or WHEN IT'S THE RIGHT TIME, knock him out and bring him to me." Alex instructed.

"I love this side of yours, boss, I really do," Andrew said with pride.

"Say goodbye to the regular Alex, Andrew! You cannot even imagine HOW much I waited for today, it's been THREE years, day and night I waited for her to return and finally here," Alex said with a fierce voice.

After the release, Adams got a taxi which was followed by Andrew and Alex. After 5 minutes the taxi reached a phone booth and stopped, Adams, came out of the car and called someone.

"This is it, he is contacting the boss who will instruct him what to do next, but no problem we stick with the plan," said Alex.

He then went back in the taxi and after 15 minutes of the ride he got down at a small apartment, Andrew could take advantage of the fact that Adams didn't see him while he hit him because he hit him from the back and got in the elevator with him as well and before Adams could do anything further, he was already knocked out by Andrew. Adams later woke up at a small abandoned factory with his hands and legs tied up.


This chapter has not been edited like my other ones were, so let me know if you have some suggestions. Btw I struggle with comas a lot. A lot, I mean it. Anyway, have a good day. :) 

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