Chapter 3

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A murder took place that night of the party in a small apartment. The victim was a young man, with no possible enemies. "Why on earth would anyone kill a simple young man owing a small bookshop that too without any mercy?" His whole body was bloody and someone also scratched his whole face and there were words written on the wall with blood. After a while they found out that he was hit on the head with a candle holder, he was just there lying on the floor with a lot of blood leaking from his head." Any kind of leads?" asked the inspector dealing with all this to a constable "His name was Ronald sites, owns a little book shop down the street, no nothing in the name of people who want him dead." "This is the job of a serial killer you see, but what up with all the letters written with blood. Clearly, they mean something. he couldn't work out what it was till he looked closely. It said "RESPECT".

"Respect?? You are telling me that the killer didn't get the respect and ended up killing the person." We will have to do further investigations; this isn't as simple as it looks. Also, let me note down the time we came here I am terrible at numbers. He pulled out his handy dandy note pad and wrote down and other things that he knew so far.

The party was a typical one, both Alex and Cherlyn didn't enjoy it. Cherlyn didn't because she was introverted and Alex didn't because he was too busy thinking about whatever he was thinking. They both bumped into each other and Alex got petrified after seeing the glass which broke and scratched Cherlyn's skin." I am sorry I have hemophobia" sadi Alex while putting hands on his eyes and looking at the other side." the fear of blood you mean o-oh- oh I am extremely sorry it's completely my bad I was lost in thoughts and we bumped and "before Cherlyn would finish Alex was already at the balcony.

Cherlyn immediately went to console him so went and said "Nothing has happened Mr. Carson, look at me everything is fine you see Cherlyn touched Alex's cheeks and they were staring at each other "Everything is fine okay?" "Yeah, I am sorry if you felt offended, I cannot stand blood, and also you can call me Alex, and last but not the least thank you so much for coming here and consoling me, I highly appreciate it Ms. Matthew" "Its Cherlyn" "Uh-Cherlyn thank you "You are more than welcome Alex" they both were smiling and had a good chat, particularly Cherlyn, felt nice that she had a wonderful partner and also somewhat blamed herself for suspecting such a nice guy and also thinking that he is a creep for not reacting to things. Little did she knew that she would have regretted it later very very badly. They were now officially called "FRIENDS".

The next day Cherlyn and Natasha discussed if they should ask Alex and Andrew for a coffee and came to the conclusion that friendship shouldn't lead to business but business should lead to friendship meaning it would be better if the two M.Ds and mangers were somewhat friendly.

"It would be a pleasure if you and Mr. Carson came for a coffee with me and ma'am." Andrew was the type of guy to love coffee and outings so he ignored the fact that Alex had a bigger position when it came to professional life and said yes without asking him." After which he insisted on introverted Alex for a coffee with Cherlyn and Natasha and because Alex and Andrew shared a special relationship, he couldn't say No.

At the coffee very unexpectedly, Alex gets a call from Billy Lopez "Did you know Ronald sites?"Alex wanted to ask why some random person is calling him and asking him if he knows another random person but Alex is a guy who wouldn't talk unless necessary, he simply said "NO"

Mr. Carson, you have sunk even deeper in the suspect hole by denying the fact that you didn't know someone who called you last before getting murdered mercilessly." "He got murdered?" Mr. Carson, I hope you know what you are talking about a second ago you didn't know Ronald Sites but now you are surprised, something definitely is fishy "Memory," Alex said while keeping a straight face "What memory Mr. Carson bother to explain yourself." "What I meant to say is that I used to buy books from him and I hope you are intelligent enough to understand the fact that a human's memory isn't good enough to remember someone they met a few months ago in a second," Alex said while keeping an unbothered face. Alex was the type of guy to mostly keep a straight face. He wouldn't smile, show anger nor look confused no matter how confused or happy or angry he was (if his emotions got out of hand, however, was a different story. ), so Cherlyn couldn't tell how he felt about it. Before Cherlyn could ask Alex anything about it Billy was already on the table with them.

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