Chapter 43

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"Promise me that you will live, no matter what! Your life is your number one priority!" Alex told Cherlyn as he held her arm tight. She gave a small nod in return. He held her hand and rushed to the door. But someone was already standing at the door. Luna looked so fresh and clean. But at the same time, she looked like someone worth going unnoticed. She was wearing a neat and tight bun, a black and white t-shirt, and simple jean pants with a hoodie. Cherlyn quickly scanned her, she had a gun and had probably just shot the whole hotel in order to get here.

"How on earth did you get here?" Alex asked, what a stupid question to ask during this time, Cherlyn thought.

"The back door you escaped from, you see? I had my eyes there, sweetheart" Luna smiled. It was so easy to get to them, after all. The old-fashioned way.

"I am going to kill you bit by bit!" she exclaimed as she pointed her gun at Cherlyn. At the extremely brief moment, something happened. Cherlyn felt a sense of air and swiftness near her arms and the next second Alex was standing at the edge of the room. He had put something in his nose and mouth, something small like a pipe. A spray can with a pipe.

"Alex, what are you-" Luna said.

"She lives" he shouted. "This spray can right her contains pure nitrogen and it will kill me straight away if you shoot her. Promise me that no matter what happens, you won't do it. You won't kill her, no matter what. Promise me. Put your gun down and promise you won't harm her no matter what happens" Alex repeated again and again. Was it one of Alex's many tricks she had tried her best to avoid? It probably was, why choose nitrogen when you could shoot yourself. Because he didn't have a gun, because poison was slow, Cherlyn thought.

"But Alex" Luna paused. "Ok, I promise I won't kill her. You are the reason I am alive, Alex...please" Luna cried and pushed her hands forward into the air as if she was the one who was being gun pointed.

"Alex, don't do it. It's not worth it," Cherlyn shouted. Luna slowly put her gun down.

"Luna, we never could be united in this world but maybe heaven, you promised you won't kill anymore, you promised. Just remember that. Goodbye, Cherlyn. You were good" he said and pushed the nitrogen spray bottle in the swiftest way possible.

"NO!" Luna and Cherlyn screamed in unity. It was a matter of seconds that he passed out. "He's still alive, he's still breathing!" Luna said as he checked his breath. "Nitrogen doesn't kill you that fast, it's not supposed to!"

"Help! Hospital!" Luna screamed. "You are right, hospital" Cherlyn said, she didn't know what to think. She didn't know this was a trick or Alex had actually killed himself to save her. No, she thought. Alex would never. She quickly leaned in to check his pulse. But it had, it wasn't there anymore. "It's stopped" She whispered as she sat beside him on the ground.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," Luna chanted as she came to Alex and checked his pulse.

Cherlyn sat there, her head buried in her hands. Luna gave the loudest scream possible as she cried. She screamed and screamed till she finally got up. She was slowly grabbing the gun from the floor.

She swiftly got up and pinned Cherlyn to the corner of the room with a loud thud, "You did this to him, I am going to kill you. I will kill you!" she screamed again and tears dropped down.

"No, I can't kill you. No, I can't. I promised. What did he say? Maybe in heaven. He was right. He was right; he wants to be with me forever in heaven. I can't kill you, I am not a monster. But there is one thing I can still do to be with Alex. Forever." She whispered.

She pointed her gun at her head and gave a subtle smile. "NO!" Cherlyn screamed. But Luna's brain flew open as a loud shooting noise echoed the walls. Her sister was lying dead on the ground.

As if that wasn't enough shock and emotional trauma for her in one day, Alex sat up from the dead.

She flinched, then screamed and backed up from him. "I am not dead, look at me. It wasn't nitrogen and the pulse I put enough pressure on my underarm with this ball is slowed down by itself. It's an old trick but it worked." He said and took out the tennis ball from his under arm

"Your pulse it was" she sighted. Then, she slapped him over and over again. She grabbed his collar and pinned him to the wall. "This is what you did to my sister, you killed her!" she pointed to Luna's dead body.

"She killed herself because she thought I was dead. Because she thought she would be with me if she died. I didn't kill her, her obsession did" he whispered. "But take out your frustration, you are allowed to do whatever the hell you want,"

And Cherlyn did exactly that, she screamed and shouted. She punched Alex till his cheek and nose were bleeding but finally stopped after a couple of minutes. "Oh god," she said and sat down on the floor and started crying. "Why? You could have told me" she cried and started frowning very loudly.

Alex approached her and held her hand. In return, she hugged him in the tightest possible way and stayed there. She didn't know what she was supposed to be going and what she was doing. Luna was dead, Alex had faked his suicide, the entire hotel was harmed. The worst part was, this wasn't a dream.

After about ten minutes the police arrived, Cherlyn was still in Alex's arms. She simply couldn't see her sister's blood all over the place. Alex escorted her to the other room where bodies weren't everywhere.

She just sat there silently and cried. That's was what she did when her parents died, she cried silently. She knew what she should be doing, run and go tell the police about everything. The way she married Alex because she thought Luna's immobility was his responsibility, the way she didn't know about Monisha, and the way Alex told her to tell the police a fake story earlier. Everything from the beginning, everything that would get Alex in jail. But would she survive? She had no time to care about herself but Hazel. She was in a coma, she would be charged for kidnapping if Alex wasn't there to help her, she thought. Hazel was all that was left in the name of family and she couldn't sacrifice her freedom for the sake of a sister who wanted to kill her just a minute ago, she wouldn't

But Luna was her twin sister, they came to this world together, played together, grew up together and now she died alone. She died trying to get something because she believed she would finally get that thing after she died. She killed Alex's wife, attacked hazel, and probably killed another dozen people including the ones from this hotel but.......she was still her sister.

There is going to be a fight between my emotions and my sensibility. They were one of her last words to Luna after she came out of that hotel room, that's what she was doing now. The sensible part of her thought whatever happened was great and the emotional part, the part that loved her sister no matter what, wanted Alex dead.

She sat there silently, tough times don't last but tough people do, she thought. Then she did her little exercise, "I am going to make this work, I am going to make this work, I am going to make this work, I am going to make this work" she quietly chanted to herself.

She suddenly realized she had hugged Alex, and laughed at herself for even caring about that at the moment.

"You didn't kill her, she killed herself because she thought there is heaven and you two would be united in heaven"

"You provoked her to kill herself by implying she can have a happily ever after in heaven"
Now she had to decide which one of these versions of Luna's death was true.

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