Chapter 15

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The next day at the office, Cherlyn could not stop thinking about hazel, unable to take her guilt anymore, she picked her phone up and called Hazel. Luckily, she agreed to come over to sort things out.

"I am really sorry for that day hazel...... I was really VERY disturbed!" Cherlyn apologized and gave hazel a hug as soon as hazel entered the cabin.

"I understand what you are going through," Hazel replied with the kindest voice. How is your ALEX MISSION going?" Hazel added, surprising Cherlyn.

"I don't see the love and attraction I wish to so far; I have a strong feeling I am getting friend-zoned." Cherlyn said but with an "I am not giving up" tone.

"I actually gave it a thought. And I think you are right," Hazel said.

"Right about what?"

"About Alex, that we have to do things by ourselves. And please let me know if you need help"

"What help?" Cherlyn asked.

"I mean don't tell me you don't need help in trapping Alex, I know you do!" Hazel said the obvious.

"I am currently planning my next move but I don't think you will be able to help so..."

"What is your next move?"

"I will take a bullet for Alex"

"WHAT? Cherry, please don't go out of your way and do something stupid; you can't risk your life just to make someone thankful for it!"

"THAT'S WHY THAT'S WHY I don't want to tell you anything because you react too fast. I mean come on I am not going to die until Alex pays for what my sister did; the bullets are not going to kill me" Cherlyn replied.

"Wait, what the hell do you mean by the bullets aren't going to kill you how the heck are you so confident?"

"Do you know a thing called rubber bullets? They injure but they don't kill."

"You know the number of changes in you after you found Alex scares me." hazel joked.

"The amount of energy, emotions, and guilt I have been feeling since the last 3 years suddenly added up and blew up," Cherlyn replied.

"Cherlyn, I told you not to bring it up! Do not hold yourself responsible!"

"Ma'am, these documents need immediate signing." Natasha came running.

"Cherry we cannot cut apples with scissors, you know this ain't a very good place to talk about all this. I will meet you at your place tonight." Hazel said and left Cherlyn's busy office.

"Hi Cherlyn." a strong American accent spoke from the back when Cherlyn was working.

"Alex! I wasn't expecting you here, I mean not at all complaining." Cherlyn flirted and probably failed.

"This looked expensive so I decided to return it ASAP.," he said as he took out an earring from his pocket.

"Oh god this is my earring, I was looking for this."

"Mr. berg was about to give you this but you already left so I kept it."

"Oh, thank you so much. This is actually an exotic piece from Dubai. Would you like to have a coffee by the way?" Cherlyn smiled.

"I would love to," Alex replied smiling.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" Alex complimented as he held the vase from the shelf across the cabin.

"This whole shelf is a collection of different pieces, will cost at least three hundred thousand," Cherlyn replied.

One of the employees got the coffee as they were talking about the shelf.

"So how is life going?" Alex started a conversation after walking back to the chair.

"Pretty well actually, it has been busy but nice, and you?" Cherlyn made sure not to reveal much.

"Same actually...... just going typical." Alex lied.

"It won't be anymore." Cherlyn thought.

They had a good chit chat and after the coffee, Alex left.

"Unexpected progress," Cherlyn thought.

As soon as Alex got home, he took out the miniature camera from his pockets. He found the footage from the last 3 days since his burglar broke into Cherlyn's office and fitted this on the shelf behind the "BREATHTAKING VASE".

He spent the next four hours fast-forwarding the footage, looking for small details and conversations. Watching every conversation and action carefully. He was on the edge of giving up when he saw zero progress on Monday and Tuesday but Alex being Alex didn't.

When he reached the point just before he came, he carefully listened to Cherlyn and hazel's conversations.

"I have to be 110% percent sure before I do anything, it is STILL possible that Cherlyn just is obsessive about me and she isn't the one." he thought till he heard "THREE YEARS"

"THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT! FINALLY!" he beamed with joy.

"Andrew came home immediately, Cherlyn is the one! She is the one we are looking for!"

Andrew came home immediately, leaving all the work at the office. When he came, Alex instead of being happy was expressing his doubts.

"In the footage, she said "THREE YEARS" but how and why did it take her three bloody years to find me. She is not at all that dumb."

"You remember being done with the insurance company?" Andrew asked.

"I had to after Monisha the least I could do was fulfilling her wishes and taking up my father's business and letting him retire," Alex sounded a bit sorrowful.

"Come on Alex you changed your company, moved to a different house, and whatnot. We will never know why it took her three years to find you but the amount of craze she has, I tell you this is HER!" Andrew explained.

"You are right! A ton of things are unclear but her craze says it all! It's definitely her! Miss Cherlyn Matthew, your countdown has begun! "Alex exclaimed.

"I hope the commissioner allows me to find the legitimate culprit," Billy thought as he went into the commissioner's office. 

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