Chapter 21

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So if you didnt know, I am alive and I am back. There were too many tests that I had to give this month (around 6 tests this month plus me cramming for 2 tests in less than 24 hours because I thought it was coming much later). I won't bore you with my schedule but my apologies for vanishing and from now on I will (try to) be a bit more regular. 

Also, I request you to read this chapter as intensely as possible as if you were very angry or announcing something in the most passionate way. 

And one more thing: thank yall so so much for 400 reads, ily and if you don't vote even if you read these, please don't be a ghost and vote, plz :(  ( i hope I don't sound tooo desperate)

3 months later

A lot had happened in the last three months, Ronald's case shut down after one more month of finding absolutely nothing, Karl was proved innocent in the court and he was released of all charges. The case remained as one of the unsolved cases and Karl's parents temporarily moved out of town to ensure their safety and even though Luna knew that Karl got the bail it didn't bother her much because of the fact that the case has been closed. She had decided that she had only one thing to focus on-Alex.

Cherlyn couldn't focus on the fact that her car was stolen for kidnapping and because she was too absorbed in Alex, and at the back of her head she knew that even if Alex killed Ronald, he would bloody well pay for it.

But Cherlyn and Alex's relationship grew stronger and stronger to the point they told each other every single thing that wasn't relevant to their plans. Alex was the perfect boyfriend and Cherlyn was the most caring girlfriend you could ever ask for, or at least, they pretended like that.

The highlight of these three months other than the closed case was the proposal. Just like the love confession, the proposal was also much unexpected. One day, after Cherlyn came from her office her house was full of balloons and decorations. Alex proposed in the fanciest way possible and Cherlyn had only one path to walk on-become Cherlyn Matthew Carson and destroy Alex in the worst way possible.

Alex had nothing to lose; his father was completely out of the picture, never even in people's minds. The only thing he had valued was Monisha who was found dead after 4 weeks in New Jersey's jumping cliffs. The police easily declared it as an accident and as for Alex, he had no one to look forward to, not even his own memory. He had remembered Monisha's death but not the killer's face, it's not like the police did nothing about it, they investigated but it was later proven(assumed) that Monisha went out or ran away, on the way she fell from that cliff and Alex also met with an accident. The case led to nowhere except making Alex desperate for the person who killed Monisha.

Cherlyn had lied that she had to go to Mexico for 3 months and promised Luna that she would call her every single day. Luna let her go with the plan that she would take Cherlyn Matthew Carson's place after the marriage.

It was finally the wedding day, Cherlyn stared outside the window, assuming that she was in Mexico according to Luna, her heart was full of guilt, grief, and fear-the fear of what was going to come after the marriage and how was she going to deal with them.

"Cherry, the makeup artists have arrived" Hazel entered the room. "I might be the first woman to treat her marriage as a game plan but I have no choice, the amount of injustice done to my sister is unbearable. She was never my parent's favorite child; she got bullied at school, when she finally was living her life, mom and dad passed. Then someone came into her life, abused and tortured her till she lost her memory and the ability to walk. Her life has been a pathetic and only I CAN do justice to her!" Cherlyn cried.

Alex was as nervous as Cherlyn, he was also getting ready for the marriage when Andrew came in, "Feeling nervous?" he asked.

"I can't wait to make her life a living hell!" Alex replied.

"But what exactly is your plan?"

"I know exactly what I will be doing!" Alex replied.

"Just be careful, ok? The last thing I want to see happening is making your own life hell in the process of making Cherlyn's hell.

Alex scowled and nodded "She would wish she never came after me"

At around 1 pm, after a couple of hours, it was finally the time of the wedding, it was a typical Christian wedding at the church, with the least media attention and least number of people as Alex had requested.

Cherlyn wore a white lace ball gown wedding dress that matched the aesthetics and the minimalism of the wedding; she walked down the aisle and looked spectacularly beautiful. Everyone's eyes were on her. Hazel was her bride's mate who wasn't quite sure how to feel about this wedding. Alex's father Author had come unwillingly just like last time he married but he knew that the Alex would follow his heart, he had no say in the wedding.

The wedding ceremony began, the priest started "Please repeat after me, I, Alexander Carson take you, Cherlyn Matthew to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart."

They repeated after the wedding vows and the priest declared "You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined; men must not divide. Amen."

They both unwillingly kissed after the declaration and tried not to feel butterflies in their stomach. Following the traditions, there was a small bachelor's party and both Cherlyn and Alex hated it and prayed that it ended as soon as possible. In fact, they hated the wedding itself but knew that they had no choice.

After the bachelor's party, Alex and Cherlyn rode in a car to Alex's new house. Alex and cherlyn had bought a bigger and better new house. It had a big staircase, backyard garden, a Jacuzzi, 10 bedrooms, a breakfast nook on the terrace, a gym, a swimming pool to name a few. Basically anything that someone could ever ask for in a house except a warm loving family or a couple who didn't backstab each other.

"I have a surprise for you," Alex whispered in Cherlyn's ear. "follow me"

Cherlyn expected some sort of gift and willingly accompanied Alex to his room, when they reached Alex locked the door, came close to Cherlyn touched her cheeks, and whispered "I have a shocking, deadly little gift for you"

"That's called a surprise in case you didn't know"

Alex handed Cherlyn an envelope and whispered "Solve this before the reception ends and you will get answers"

"What kind of answers?" "You will know once you solve it" Alex winked and left Cherlyn alone in his room.

Cherlyn's heart raced like a cheetah, every time Alex did something unusual, she would assume that she's been exposed. So it was no surprise that she thought the envelope contained all the details about her wrongdoings except this time the envelope actually might contain details about her wrongdoings. 

A/N: take care and good luck if you are having exams like me :)

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