Chapter 23

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When Cherlyn woke up the next morning, Alex was already out of bed. She knocked on the bathroom door, but no luck. "As soon as I get the opportunity, I need to solve the riddle, I have to know what's written inside," she said under her breath and came downstairs to live another day, tired and sad.

Alex was nowhere to be seen. She walked to the kitchen and there she saw Alex wearing an apron and a toque; he got the noodles out of the packet and fried them in boiling hot oil. "Pasta, your first breakfast as Mrs. Cherlyn Matthew Carson," he said, smiling.

"Are you going to work today?" Cherlyn asked.

"Um.... not yet, but why? What happened?" he came back to take the sauce and kissed Cherlyn's neck on the way.

"We should go, you know it's been a few days" Cherlyn replied. "Well, if you insist, I will start going tomorrow but not today...... please" Alex replied as he put the pasta in the bowl and gestured that it was ready.

They walked to the breakfast nook upstairs while chit-chatting about nothing and everything. Alex started savoring the pasta while Cherlyn was reactionless.

"what happened?"

"I was a bit...."

"You are overwhelmed and I know that, but hon, remember that I stand by you, ok?" he consoled. It was never expected of him to behave sweetly someone who according to him was a murderer but as a complex and determined person, he had his own plans.

Cherlyn wasn't overwhelmed, in fact, she was happy that she had already taken the first step two days ago, she was sure she was winning but at the back of her head she was stressed, anxious, unhappy, and guilty. With all those things in mind, food didn't stand a chance in occupying her mind.

Alex could read exactly what was happening to Cherlyn. When you have seen enough in life, you could read a lot of people like a book. But he didn't react, he wanted to but he did not for a lot of people's good, not just him.

After breakfast, Cherlyn ran to the study room, grabbed the Sherlock Holmes while making sure that no one was watching the desperation on her face. She saw the first word and it was the word I. She turned the pages till she found the second and it was the word know, for a second, time stopped for her. a million different negative things came to mind but she was never the kind to give she continued.

He kept turning till she saw the word we underline in a thin pencil. She kept turning and turning, ready for the worst till all the words were complete. The words fit, together, like, puzzles were underlined. I know we fit together like puzzles.

She let out a long long breath but quickly realized that nothing that happens in the house stays hidden, so now she acted.

She forced an absolutely huge smile on her face, ran to Alex, and gave him a kiss on the cheeks "How on earth am I going to repay you for this?" "The best part do not have to" he whispered in her ears.

"What happened by the way?" he asked. "Oh...nothing, I went to check the riddle. It's literally the best thing on the planet" she replied. "I will just go and check if the construction work at the backyard is going well," he said and left Cherlyn alone. 

Cherlyn had been feeling a million different emotions since she and Alex started dating and the feeling never stopped, no matter what. She was anxious twenty-four seven and got no rest just for the sake a of a sister who was planning to murder her as soon as possible.

Luna sat down on her chair and planned; she had a few different ideas "I can't let her body be seen after she dies, that would be the biggest goof up of the year" she said under her breathe.

"JUST ONE STEP, just one minor step of replacing Cherlyn and my life goal will be complete!" she said while felling absolutely no mercy. Mercy was an emotion she lost the day her parents left her with nothing but grief.

Her phone rang and the screen read "Cherlyn". "The irony" she sighted and picked up.

"How are you doing, sis? Everything fine is Mexico?"

"Everything is going absolutely well, now tell me about you, I hope you are eating and sleeping regularly" Cherlyn expressed her concerns.

"Sis, of course, I am, I just want you to focus on your work and just don't worry about me, I do have my life together"

"I don't feel like leaving you alone at all and you know that dear. I have absolutely no choice; I hope you can forgive me" Cherlyn almost sobbed.

"Sis.... you are an angel and remember that you owe me absolutely nothing, you can live your life however you want and it's not your fault," Luna said, sarcastically which sounded like words from the bottom of her heart to Cherlyn.

"Please Please don't worry that much about me. I would love you to take care of yourself as well"

They talked a bit till Cherlyn realized that Alex would notice her absence because no one takes 20 minutes to change from pajamas to normal clothes.

She came out of the closet and started attempting to meditate, not that she could be mindful but she at least tried. After five minutes of forcing herself to not think and be mindful, she stopped.

Tears dripped down subconsciously. She, however didn't let the tears come out because then it would be considered promise breaking, the promise of not crying she made to herself and Luna.

"I still have 24 hours before I can see Alex helpless, longest twenty four hours of my life" she sighted and got up to do her makeup.

A few days before, she had hired a professional to get into Alex's safe room and steal the jewelers Mr. Nimit Malik from Dubai has ordered. She got hold of Alex's safe room keys, made fake ones and gave it to the burglar, everything was so easy when the other person pretended to not notice what was happening.

A few weeks before, Malik industries from Dubai had chosen Alex's company to work for the jewel set of their only daughter's wedding. The diamonds were his, the design was Alex's. Alex was thrilled, so he told Cherlyn everything and she decided to take advantage of that.

Now all three of them were playing their cards and the deadly game has begun. Three started playing but there was no guarantee all three wouldn't lost the thing they valued most or all three wouldn't lose themselves, in one way or another. 

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