Chapter 33

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"What do we know so far? I mean what do you know so far?" Cherlyn asked on their way to the police station.

"I told her to keep an eye on her house, I think she rented the stall for a week so that whenever you know Luna comes out of the house, she could just abduct her and still have a place to go," he said and looked over Cherlyn, he had expected her to show sadness on her face but she wasn't reacting at all so he continued. "The initial plan was simple, me and hazel wanted to milk a confession out of Luna and team up with you. I wanted to show you the truth with the proofs but it went horribly wrong. We have the confession, yes and now you also know the truth but"

"If hazel sent you the video, does that mean Luna now knows that you know about her being a serial killer? This is getting confusing" Cherlyn expressed.

"The police has hazel's phone and we all must have known by now if a video of someone confessing a chain of murders was in her phone so no. The video must have gotten deleted by Luna." He assumed.

"And the records of her sending the video to you, surely there must be proof that she send you a video. Ah, why is this so confusing?"

"We know both the texts and the video is deleted but we don't know who did it, it can be done by either or both of them but let's see. Any idea?" Alex said.

"I know my friend, and I am almost sure she deleted the record to be extra careful, she probably did that just in case but as you can tell, I am not entirely sure" Cherlyn sighted. "So Hazel deleted the records to be sure, Luna deleted the actual video so that she leaves no evidence behind, is that what you assume?" he asked.

"Um yes but about her being missing, what if we are just overlooking the simplest explanation, you know? What if she is just sitting there idly at home? I didn't even call her yesterday, should I do that so that you know, I don't break the chain what if she picks up? I have so many questions, I don't even know where I am supposed to start, how did you know she killed more than two people"

"To answer your first question, I have absolutely no idea if she is at home, you should try and call her or you know, go home and see. Second, it was more of a shot in the dark but turns out she killed what? Five people? Yeah, five people" he laughed but quickly stooped because he knew better than to laugh about murders and her sister in front of Cherlyn.

"Were you going to get the police involved in any way?" she asked. "Um, maybe!" he smiled. "What would you have done?" he asked.

"I still having a hard time placing myself in my own current situation, let alone imagining myself in yours," she said. After driving for about 5 minutes, they reached the police station.

"We walk into the station, you ask him what they know so far in every detail, remember to sound desperate but don't overact" Alex instructed.

"Any progress about the case, I need to know what happened to my friend. Please, please tell me" Cherlyn exclaimed as she walked into the station. Billy gave a tiny chuckle seeing her desperation and walked over from the corner of the station where he was initially writing something. "Um....Hi Misses Carson, can I call you that by the way?" he said.

"Any progress on the case? I mean what was she doing there?" Cherlyn asked to start the conversation.

"Um I am afraid hazel was involved in some illegal business that almost killed her." he sighed.

"Wait what? Can you please bother to explain?" she asked. "um we found this scattered rope, and a bag full of stuff you wouldn't normally use, we also found a tripod in that garage behind the stall. A chair, a big stone, and a liver were also on top of it. So she kidnapped someone and got attacked in the process and by the way, the fingerprints on the table and the ropes don't match Hazel's plus she was wearing gloves the whole time so there is no way she was kidnapped. It's the other way around. That's what we know so far, we have checked with the people on her call logs and no one knew anything about it. Also her head, it was injured with a hammer which is........still missing." he said. Alex gave a subtle smile; of course, hazel deleted all the conversations of them speaking and the record of the footage.

"What do you mean hazel kidnapped someone, she could never. Please find that other person's fingerprints instead of blaming my friend because apparently, that's the easiest explanation you could provide. If you don't find the attacker of my best friend I am going to hire my own private detectives to do the job, do you understand?" Cherlyn replied.

"I understand your situation but we are not going with the easiest possible explanations all of the evidence points towards hazel! Let's just not talk about this too much before some things are still unknown."

"Please find that person whose fingerprints were found before accusing my friend" Cherlyn replied bitterly and realized that Alex was coughing and gesturing her to stop being overly desperate.

Then, Billy cornered them and asked questions about hazel's behavior, where she had been, and if they knew anything at all. Basic stuff.

They left the police station knowing nothing more than they did. "Where the hell did she go? And also, thank god hazel deleted all the stuff. Otherwise, we would all be in jail now. Excluding you, I think." Alex asked.

"I have no idea either, I will call her and see what happens, I guess. Also yes, thank god she deleted it." She sighed.

"Listen, we need to find her immediately, just think where she might be. There aren't' like million possibilities to where she might be. Think hard" he said.

"If I am not wrong, her priority is replacing me so what might she do so that she replaces me without getting noticed?" Cherlyn thought out loud.

"You need tight security, she will harm you as soon as she can and it's very dangerous. We need to do a lot of things to keep her from harming you. Come!" he said as he walked over to the car and Cherlyn nodded.

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