Chapter 40

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"The police are on their way to Hudson valley!" Alex informed as he and Cherlyn were driving to Hudson valley.

"I know" she sighed. "It's gonna be alright, ok? We still have the trail, remember?" he consoled as he reached for Cherlyn's hands and squeezed it tight. "What you mean?"

"You wanna keep seeing her, you are trying to hate her but you can't. I know how it feels."

"I don't want to care....but at the end of the day she is still my sister, and you know what? I think I have accepted  that I can't change the fact I care for her immensely but I also know that whatever happens to her, she is going to deserve it!"

"We have like two hours so you know, let's talk about something else. I really don't wanna go into the sad territory,"

"You are right, let's talk about us, as in you and me" Cherlyn replied, and wondered if it was going to be awkward. This wasn't the topic she wanted to bring up very soon but he kissed her. It should at least mean something, she thought.

"You didn't have to clarify that.....when you say us I know it's you and me" Alex replied. Cherlyn wondered if he was trying to avoid the topic by talking about something else. "I will give you time to think, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to have the best life that anyone could imagine but as for me, I think I am clear about what I want and think. Look, Cherlyn" he shifted his attention from the highway to her.

"I think you would want a new life after all this happens and you totally deserve that new life. I don't want you to remember Luna every time you see me. But I still want you to consider staying.....if you truly want to. We could really make this work, you know?" Alex was offering her to stay, good.

"I need time to think, let's talk about something else" she closed the conversation shut, Cherlyn knew she shouldn't have landed herself in this mess about love and marriage but she had already done it, there was no going back.

Then, they didn't talk about anything for the next two hours, Cherlyn went on her phone and pretended to do something and Alex drove with his mouth shut.

"Hudson valley's only fifteen minutes away now, just hope the police are there. I called them around twenty minutes before we left so I think they should be at the address when we arrive."

"Yes I think so, should I give you the address?" she asked.

"No thanks, I wrote it down when you were telling me for the first time," he said. Cherlyn was slowly going pale and red thinking, grief was the most abstract thing one could feel. "You alright?" he asked. "Oh, stupid question of course you aren't all right! What happened?"

"Nothing, I am just scared. What if we were wrong all along, what if she isn't there? All of this would be a waste, Billy is coming with an entire police force, and what if she isn't even there?" she panicked. "Hey, calm down. She isn't water or something, she has to be there, and if she isn't then where the hell did she go? Trust me, the police will take her today," he assured as he reached for her hand and again and held it tight.

A few turns took them into a lane of houses, the third house was Luna's. Instead of seeing the beautiful scenery, Cherlyn saw the police force. At least ten police officers were standing. Cherlyn walked up to Billy long with her sad expression and asked, "Did you found her?"

"They are looking inside the house, the back of the house is secured even if she escapes from the back door we will get her." He said and returned his attention back to his walkie-talkie.
"WAIT, WHAT?" he shouted after some seconds. "YES! Yes bring her in here but don't like handcuff her or anything......I will be doing the god damn honor of arresting her," he said.

"We found her!" Billy exclaimed happily.

Cherlyn was supposed to be happy the police found a criminal but Luna was her sister first and then a criminal later, she didn't know if she was supposed to laugh or cry that her sister who killed people just got arrested. Before she could take time to think about all of it......Alex came her hug her, not to console her but out of his own happiness. 

"They got her!" he said as he pulled away and held her hand. "Yes, they got her, and" before Cherlyn could finish her lines some police officers came as they grabbed Luna. The Luna Cherlyn once loved more than anything else was now getting arrested. Luna seemed indifferent about everything and she stood there expressionless. Her hair was all black now, she wore a simple t-shirt and jeans. But regret or fear was the last thing that was on her face. 

"Miss Luna Matthew you are under arrest for the homicide of Ronald sites you are allowed to remain silent, consult a lawyer, and all if you want. Or we will just appoint one for you blah blah blah you know how this works, watched too many crime shows, haven't you?" Billy said as he handcuffed Luna, some of the police officers burst out laughing. Cherlyn wondered how people could laugh at such a sad moment but she remembered Luna wasn't everyone's sister.
And then, they took Luna inside the car, Billy didn't even look back at Cherlyn and Alex. It seemed like he didn't have any reason for the moment.

"Tell her I will come back, Tell her Alex's mine!" Luna shouted her lungs out from the car, two things happened a second later, one-the police officer closed the door of the car because they were used to criminals shouting non-sense. Second- Cherlyn burst into tears and hugged Alex.

"She's gone and she promises to come back" she cried in Alex's arms. "It's alright now, you just need time to heal. I promise it will be alright, you can't break down like this every time you see her, remember? For hazel's sake, please. For my sake." he said it all in a thin whisper stood there.

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