Chapter 37

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Arianas POV

I got out of my bed and yawned, I checked my phone and saw a couple of new messages.


Get up hoebag.


I'm kidding, just get up.


Go away.

I rushed to the bathroom and got into the shower, I washed my hair and my body and shaved where I needed to.


I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth and applied moisturisers to my face, I grabbed my things and walked back to my bedroom and kicked the door shut.

I put on some black skinny jeans and a grey polo shirt, I slipped on my converses and put on a little bit of makeup. I tied my hair into a fishtail plait and I sprayed some perfume on my clothes and I jogged downstairs.

"You look rough as fuck" Ashton gasped when I walked into the kitchen.

"Your a dick" I mumbled and got some orange juice out of the fridge and poured it into a glass and drank it quickly.

I closed the kitchen door and turned towards Ashton, "you guys get everything ready, I'll take mum out with Kelly and Lauren and Harry can go to nans house" he nodded and hi fived me.

"Ariana, good luck!" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and left the kitchen, I stood in the doorway of the living room and giggled when my mum was trying to get out.

"Ariana move please" she sighed.

"I'm taking you to the spa so get ready" she smiled and went upstairs.


Kelly walked through the front door just as my mum came downstairs, we smiled at her and she unlocked the car.

We got in quickly and she reversed out of the driveway.


Mark is supposed to be coming at 5:30 and it is now 4:05, we had just finished in the day spa and we were looking around shops for a dress for my mum.

I picked out a black dress that had a small buckle around the waist and it looks like a dress that would hug my mums body.

I handed it to her and she walked to the changing rooms to try it on, Kelly texted Ashton and I sat on one of the stools outside of the changing rooms.

"What do you think?" My mum asked as she emerged from the small changing room, we both smiled and nodded our heads.

"You look perfect, I'll buy it for you" she gasped.

"Its $55!" She exclaimed.

"My treat" I smiled.

"Thankyou" she smiled and changed back into her clothes.

I paid for the dress and picked up the bag from the tills, we headed back to the car and we headed back home.

Again, Kelly was texting Ashton informing him that we were coming home.

Its now 4:35 so we had under an hour to get ready so hopefully everything was being cooked already and they were setting everything up.

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