Chapter 24

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Ariana's POV

"Can I stay at yours tonight?" I nodded as me and Kelly began to walk home.

"My mum won't mind" I replied and smiled.

"Hey! Ariana!" I looked behind me to see Matt running towards us, ugh what does he want?!.

"did you think it was funny to embaress me in geography the other day?" I nodded and Kelly snorted and giggled quietly.

"Well it wasn't, your going to regret this" I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"No, I won't regret it Matt" I smiled sarcastically and began to walk away from him.

He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around quickly, I leant on one of my hips and glared at him again.

"You think your so popular don't you?! Your a total bitch Ariana Irwin. Nobody likes you so stop acting like everyone does, your an ugly slut and you irritate everyone! You probably think your such a hotty, your wrong! Everyone thinks your ugly and im not surprised your single you whore" he spat.

I burst into laughter and glared at him again.

"Oh Matt, you've got it all wrong. I don't think of myself like that at all, in fact I think the opposite so you can shut the fuck up. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me and I'm actually going to see my boyfriend right now so if you'll excuse me" I spat and turned back around.

"Come on Ariana, he isn't worth it" Kelly rolled her eyes and tugged on my arms.

"I miss the boys" I mumbled.

"He's upset you.. Hasn't he?" She said softly.

I didn't answer her and kept my head down and we kept walking further and further away from school.

"I can't stand him, I pretend I'm strong and I'm not. He gets to me so easily!" I muttered.


I unlocked the front door with the key Ashton had left and I heard that the TV was on and there was a few pairs of shoes in the hall.

"Ash why did you leave a key if your still here?" I asked him.

"Shit, your erm early.." He scratched the back of his neck.

"No we came home at normal time" Kelly answered for me.

"I'm going to um.. Go and do some homework" I smiled weakly and ran upstairs and slammed my bedroom door.

I fell flat onto my bed and let a few tears escape my eyes, my pillow became damp and it made me feel even worse.

"Ariana?" Luke's soft voice sounded in my room.

I wiped my tears and sniffled and turned over to see him and Calum standing in the doorway.

"Hey guys, how are you?" I faked a smile and sat up.

"Why are you crying?" Calum asked and he sat beside me and put his warm arm around me.

"I'm not" I lied.

"We aren't stupid" Luke laughed softly.

"I'm not crying" I replied.

"Yes you are, Michael wanted to come up but Ash wouldn't let him" Calum mumbled.

I grabbed my school bag and pulled out my history book and began to read through things in it and began to write an answer down, I sighed and Luke looked worried.

"Ari, what's wrong?" Calum asked again.

"Matt was being a dick that's all" I huffed.

"He needs to be sorted out, he upsets you every day!" Luke sighed.

"I really need Michael" I whispered.

"I'll try my best to get him here" Calum smiled and hugged me before leaving the room.

The door opened and I looked at it hoping it would be my boyfriend but instead it was my brother.

"Your not allowed to see Michael!" He laughed.

"It hurts" I whispered and fell back, Luke watched me fall back onto my bed and he giggled.

"I'm in love with Michael, Ashton. Nothing will change that!" I shouted.

"It better change because he isn't good for you! Come on Luke!" Ash dragged Luke away and slammed my bedroom door.

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