Chapter 3

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Arianas POV


Ash what are you doing?


I'm busy Ariana what do you want?


Oh, okay and it doesn't matter.


Are you sure?


Yeah, don't worry about it.

I sighed and turned around in my seat to face Kelly, we haven't been in many classes together today and for some reason I've missed her a lot.

She's my best friend and she tends to protect me if someone picks on me.

For example, Matthew Pane.

There's one word to describe him and that is a PRICK.

He sits beside me in Geography and he irritates me so much, he calls me names and to be honest I couldn't care less what he says about me.

I want someone to teach him a lesson and obviously that person won't be me..

I turned back around when I noticed she wasn't doing anything interesting, Matt was looking at my answers and quickly scribbled them down.

I always pretended to struggle on one question so he would think he would seem smart when he says the answer I struggled to come up with.

If only he knew that I had written an incorrect answer instead of the correct one, he always answers the same difficulty question.

I'm good at geography for some reason so I think that's why he copies me so much.

"What can air pollution cause?" Mrs Adams asked.

I glanced down at my sheet to see she was asking from the easy section, I raised my hand slowly.

"Ariana" she called.

"Air pollution can cause global warming" I answered quickly, she nodded and congratulated me.

10 minutes later.

"How do tourists contribute to pollution?" She asked.

I glanced down again to see we were at Matts favourite question.

He raised his hand and waved slightly, "Yes, Matt" she asked.

"They eat our food and use our money." He almost shouted, I know this is a lame attempt at humiliating him but I really don't care.

"No, that's not correct" She looked confused and searched the classroom for anyone else with a suggestion.

I raised my hand and she called on me again.

"Tourists contribute to pollution by using a lot of transport and dropping litter which causes land pollution" I shrugged and she smiled and nodded at me.

"Correct, well done! Tourists basically contribute to pollution by using too many types of transport, a way they could improve this is by using a train or a bus so there will be less exhaust fumes" She explained.

The final bell rang and we all flooded out of the classroom quickly, I headed to my locker and put my books into my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

"Hey!" Jamie shouted from the end of the hallway, I turned my head and smiled at him.

"Hey" I replied once he had gotten closer.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good, you?" I asked and closed my locker and turned my body towards him.

"I'm good thanks" he replied.

"That's great! Listen I have to get going, I'm meeting a friend" I smiled and walked away from him quickly.

I do feel sorry for him, Jamie is the nerd of the school and he gets bullied a lot, I stick up for him and he knows that we are friends.

I exited the doors and saw a large group of girls standing beside a car in the parking lot, I shook my head and chuckled.

As I walked past I glanced at the car and recognised it was my brothers car, oh no..

I walked over to the passenger side of the car and got in and fastened my seatbelt.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Stacey asked with her snobby voice.

"No! Its my sister!" Ash made fake gagging sounds and he started the car up.

"Bye!" He smiled and we left the parking lot.

"Why were all of those girls surrounding your car?" I asked him.

"I'm hot" he chuckled.

I scoffed and he slapped my leg.

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