Chapter 13

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Ariana's POV

I went into my bedroom and stripped down.

I put on my black matching underwear and stumbled over to my closet, opening the doors and browsing the possible choices.

I pulled on some black high waisted skinny jeans, a cream 'NERD' jumper and a grey hoody with black ankle socks.

I put on some black converses and let my hair down from my hair tie, I brushed all of the tangles out and clipped some parts of my hair back and checked that it looked okay.

I put on some concealer, foundation and some light eyeshadow. I added a thin black line across my eyelid and blinked onto the mascara brush a few times, I finished with a light pink lipstick.

I sprayed some sweet smelling perfume on my body and added a couple of charm bracelets, I put my iPhone into my pocket in my jeans and ran downstairs.

"Your both finally ready!" Ashton cheered, I turned around to see Kelly wearing a white crop top saying 'DREAM' and some plain black leggings with the same hoody and shoes as me.

She looked really pretty.. As usual.

I rushed over to her and hugged her, ive missed my best friend. I regret holding that grudge for such a long time. I'm not usually like that.

"Lets go to the park then!" Ashton screamed and we all somehow managed to fit into his car, I was in between Cal and Luke and we were all singing to the radio as loud as possible.


Half an hour later.

Ashton parked his car and we all got out quickly, we left our bags in the car because we would be exploring so having a bag was unneccesary.

We kept our phones with us for some reason.

I noticed a familiar blonde boy sitting on one of the park benches, Michael.

I looked at Calum and he just smirked and shrugged his shoulders, Cal, Luke and Ash ran over to Michael leaving me and Kelly clueless.

"Are you not going to say hello to him?" I shook my head and fiddled with my charm bracelet.

I looked ahead of me to see the boys had sat down on one of the benches we were approaching but I somehow managed to ignore them and looked at the forest we used to go to all of the time.

I tried not to smile as I walked past the table and I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and yank me away from everyone.

"Kelly!" I whined.

"Talk to him!" She laughed at my childishness.

"You!" I cried.

"I have!" She laughed again.

"That's great, let me go climb trees and I'll try not to purposely fall out of one and die" I smiled sarcastically and tried to get past her.

She threw me over her shoulder and I started kicking the air and hitting her back and screaming.

"How is this possible?!" I shouted and heard familiar laughter.

"My jumper is going to fall off my head let me go!" I managed to whisper into her ear.

She jumped so I would fall back over her shoulder, I managed to wedge my jumper between my body and her shoulder so it wouldn't slip off.

"Where the hell are you taking me?!" I screamed and I'm guessing by her sudden movement I was about to hit someone.

"Stop kicking!" She smacked my leg and I burst into laughter.

She put me down onto one of the picnic tables and my head was spinning, "idiot!" I shouted and began slapping her arm.

"Stop being violent!" Ashton laughed and he lifted me off the bench and took me to the entrance of the forest and kept a strong grip on my arms.

"Ashton let's pair up!" Calum shouted.

"I'll go with Michael because someone won't want to" he chuckled.

"What are we doing? I thought we were exploring!" I cried.

"We are, just shooting each other too!" Luke tossed me a nerf gun and I smiled and spun it around on my finger.

"Ash let go of my partner!" Kelly laughed, she grabbed my wrist and we rushed off into the forest.

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