Chapter 41

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Ariana's POV

A week later


I'm with Ashton today, just a warning.. Things may happen..




Shut up


I will, ew gross.

I've been thinking about this whole thing, Ive finally made up my mind.. I like Calum a lot and I can't wait to tell him the way I feel.

He's been hanging out here a lot more and this made it easier for my crush to develop, his smile warms my heart and his brown eyes are so dreamy.

He never hesitates to put his arm around me or anything, I hope his feelings for me haven't changed because just thinking about him makes my heart race.

I ran downstairs quickly and saw Mark and my mum standing in the kitchen, they look so happy together I'm so happy for them.

"Ariana! Are you doing anything today?" I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows.

"We are going for a dress fitting today so get Lauren too" I nodded and ran back upstairs.

I knocked on Laurens door and opened it, she was sitting on her bed listening to music.

"Lauren, we are going for a dress fitting for the wedding so come on" she groaned and slammed her laptop shut and followed me out of her bedroom.

"I don't like dresses" she groaned.

"I know, but its for the wedding. I wish you could wear skinny jeans but you can't" I shrugged.

"Right, come on girls" mum grabbed her keys and her bag and walked out of the house.

I said goodbye to the others and got into the car beside Lauren, her CD blasted through the car and I nodded my head to the music.

"You like this?" She gasped.

"I love this!" She gasped again and hugged me for some reason.

"No girls I know like this music" I giggled.

"Well, I do" I replied.


We got to the dress shop and I heard Lauren groan before we entered the store, I giggled and pushed her through the door.

"Girls, I have already picked dresses so I just need you to try them on, okay?" I nodded and Lauren groaned again.

I smacked her arm and smiled at my mum.

"Okay, Lauren you go first" She groaned again and headed towards the lady.

They closed the curtain and I turned to mum.

"What is your dress like?" I asked.

"I can't tell you" she laughed.

"Why?" I pouted

"I just can't, its hard to describe" I nodded slowly and looked down at my hands.

"Hows this Calum thing going?" She asked, I sighed and looked at the ground.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Ashton" she smirked.

"Well, I like Calum and apparently he likes me too so I'm going to tell him soon" she smiled in response.

"Are you finally over Michael then?" I shrugged and sighed again.

"I just don't know why he broke up with me, everything was going fine" she shrugged and put her hand on my forearm.

"His loss" I rolled my eyes and laughed quietly.

"Okay, Ariana?" The lady called.

Laurens eyes widened as I passed her and I was confused.

I went into the changing room and the woman checked my size with a tape measure thing.

She told another lady my measurements and she just smiled at me.

"Are you excited for the wedding?" She asked.

"Yeah" I replied awkwardly.

The other lady came back in with a light pink dress which was quite poofy at the bottom.

The fitter left the room and I quickly pulled the dress over my head and made sure it was in the right place, it reached mid thigh and it had a large pink flower on the strap of one shoulder.

I left the changing room and my mum gasped, Lauren came out at the same time as me and she was smiling too.

"You look so pretty!" My mum cheered.

"I like dresses a tiny bit now" Lauren smirked and went back into the changing room.

"Do you like it?" Mum asked.

"I love it, good choice!" I smiled and went back into the changing room.

I put my black skinny jeans back on with my white top and Ashton's red flannel, I always steal my brothers clothes because they're comfy.

When I walked back out of the changing room,Lauren was leaning against the counter scrolling through her phone whilst mum was paying for the dresses.

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