Chapter 23

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Ariana's POV


"Ash! Your friends are here!" My mum shouted.

What? His friends as in Luke, Calum and Michael?! Its Monday shouldn't they be at school?.

My alarm began to beep and honestly made me jump because I wasn't expecting it to go off, I really need to stop daydreaming.

I groaned and got out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly.

I jogged back to my bedroom and put on my matching black underwear set and pulled on my light washed denim jeans and a black short sleeved band top that Ashton gave to me.

I pulled on a navy blue hoody and my black vans and put my makeup on quickly, I laughed at my reflection when I smudged something accidentally.

I plaited a small part of my red hair and clipped it back, I pulled my phone off charge and jogged downstairs.

"Ariana what do you want for breakfast?" My mum asked.

"Nothing, I'm late" I replied and bumped into someone.

I apologised and looked up to see my boyfriend in front of me, I smiled sand he lifted me up and pressed his lips to mine.

"why aren't you at school babe?" I asked whilst I gazed into his beautiful green eyes.

"Band practice" he winked and kissed my cheek.

"Michael!" I looked past his head and saw my brother standing by the door.

"Put my sister down. Your not allowed to see each other" Ashton stated rather sternly.

Michael obeyed and I furrowed my eyebrows and stomped over to Ashton.

"Ariana go to school" he spat.

I rolled my eyes and left the house and saw Kelly standing at the end of the driveway. She was wearing a white sundress and silver sandals and she had wavy hair and a plait across the front of her hair.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"Hey.." I took a quick glance back at my house and she dragged me away.

"Ashton's such a dick" I groaned.

"He's only protecting you!" She replied.

Kelly sounds like everyone else who tried to give me advice about Ashton, yeah I get he's trying to protect me but I'm old enough to protect myself.


I found myself daydreaming again in English, I hate English its so boring. If they want people to pay attention why don't they make it more interesting.

"Sir, do you have Ariana Irwin?" I looked up quickly to see Sebastian, he's quite nerdy in my opinion but for some reason he's rarely in lessons but I'm guessing its because he gets students for other teachers.

I picked up my bag and walked behind Kellys chair and left the classroom and followed Sebastian to the councillors office.

I went inside and stood in front of Mrs Sampson.

"Your brother called, he said he's going to leave a key under the door mat for you since you forgot yours this morning. Also he apologises for some sort of argument you must have had and he would like you to text him when you get home to let him know your safe" I nodded and she smiled at me.

"Is that all?" She shook her head and her eyes drifted to my red hair.

"Did you dye your hair again?" I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows.

"It looks brighter" I shrugged and smiled.

"Get it out" she laughed and let me leave.

I walked out and picked up a few strands of my hair and shrugged, it doesn't look brighter at all.

I re entered my English class and all eyes were on me as I awkwardly sat back down in my seat.

"What happened?" Kelly asked.

"Ashton" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh right.." She mumbled awkwardly.

My brothers bandmate. (5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now