Crossed Directions - Chapter 19: Mary's Birthday Party

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Chapter 19: Mary’s Birthday Party


“Is that the last of the checklist?” I asked Viviane.

She examined the paper she held at her hand and then nodded, giving me a thumb up.

I sighed and then did a crazy little dance that consisted in throwing my arms up in the air and spinning around. Finally we were done.

“Alice, exactly what the hell are you doing?” Liam said while forcing my arms back down.

“Celebrating, duh!” I replied to Liam who just crossed his arms and sighed disapprovingly.

“I’ll drop you girls to your flat. Come on!” Liam said guiding us to the parking where his car was.

Viviane, Liam and I were shopping for all the items needed for Mary’s birthday party. It was already Friday and we were going nuts, looking for the last items of food. Yesterday, Tina, Harry and I went shopping too, for the decorations. We had everything organized. Now, we just had to get back to the flat and sleep. Tina was staying with us so she could help us decorate for the party. Aunt Shelby had the vanilla cake ready on the fridge. The cake had the shape of a heart and it was decorated with purple icing. We, boys and girls, had written special messages in icing all over the cake. Hopefully, everything will go well tomorrow.

Viviane and Zayn had made sure that all the guests brought pajamas and a gift. Each one of the boys had bought a gift to Mary, but none of them revealed what it was, stupid boys. I had bought my best friend matching “best friend” beanies. I know it was kind of a stupid idea but I thought it was cute. Viviane and Aunt Shelby bought Mary a beautiful sweater that had the United Kingdom flag on the pocket.

Before I knew it, we were inside Liam’s car and within twenty minutes we arrived to the flat. I headed directly to my room the minute I entered.

“Hey, Alice, come here a moment.” Tina whispered to me as soon as we arrived to the flat. She was outside the guest bathroom.

I followed her inside the bathroom and she closed the door.

“Do you like this as a present for Mary?” Tina said while showing me a beautiful Victoria’s Secret Pink shirt.

“It is beautiful! I love it and I know she will too.” I said, giving her high-five.

She smiled and exited the bathroom. I followed her and we both went to the bedroom where Mary was hearing music.

“Hi girls!” Mary chirped taking her headphones off.

“Already excited for your birthday are you, huh?” I smiled while changing my clothes.

She nodded enthusiastically and did a little dance.

“Well then you should get some sleep, so you will be able to have a beautiful birthday tomorrow.” Tina said.

Mary nodded again and I got up and turned the lights off. We all settled in our beds, Tina sharing with me and before I could mumble “Goodnight” I had already slipped into a deep sleep.


“Alice, wake up.” Someone whispered while shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw it was Tina. I took a glance at the clock and realized today was Mary’s birthday. I looked to the other bed and saw a sleeping Mary snoring.

“You have to shower and dress. Aunt Shelby has already made breakfast, pancakes. I am going to begin decorating the flat with Viviane now.” Tina said while getting up.

Crossed Directions (A one direction fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now